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Part of My achievement as great as Newton's

Part of My achievement as great as Newton's Mechanics: Rewrite Moment of Inertia, energy of spring, gravitational law,, 1 R R M (angle/...

Donald J Trump's achievements:

1. Oppose the idea of Russia's intervention into the election 2. Pull out of Paris Agreement , refusing the idea of climate change 3. The...

Hypothesizing Unemployment Rates 假設失業率

0. Unemployment Rate Example: Imagine if 10 people with 10 business types satisfy 1,000 people, (1,000-100)/1000 = 90/100 no job x (% age...

Why Gaara 我愛羅 as a nickname 綽號

1. He's Kazekage, like me doing national businesses. 2. He has a bad childhood, like I did. 3. He focuses on defense, like I do. 4. He...

Taiwan's Populations need proof

Taiwan's student numbers for higher ed. = 1.24 million population pyramid = 8% to 12% average 10% for the Age group;; so Taiwan's total...

Taipei Metro Travel amount, 台北捷運量列表 Error 錯誤

Taipei Metro Travel amount, 台北捷運量列表 Error 錯誤: 2017 to 2019 2 Billion/2 = 1 Billion =10 億;; 2.74 Million Daily travel amount 274 萬 每日...

Intelligence Rank (Final) (5-23-2019)

0:: 1. 無名2. 書呆子3. 王亞瑟4 Sai (13), 5. Shikamaru Nara (A), 6. god of six path (10),7. Lelouch (10), 8. 洪七公(9) 9. Kurama (8), 10. Zhugeliang...

My anniversaries 周年 on 5-22-2019

Today is my anniversary day: 5-22-2019 1. FB 12 yr. 2. Taiwan Stay 7 yr. 3. FB Rebuilt 5 yr. 4. NTHU MSE master Grad. 4 yr 5. Independent...

Derivation or Prove for Correctness

Engineers need to derive or prove formulas mathmatically or experimentally before applying them. 在套用公式之前 工程師要先推導或實驗證明公式

Moment of Inertial 慣性相關 formula Wrong

0. Moment of Inertia are used by Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Engineers. 1. Moment of Inertia = Angular Momentum/ Angular Velocity =...

Energy in Relativity wrong 相對論中的能量為錯

1. E = m(c^2) wrong when Energy = Force ( distance) = mass (acceleration)(distance) but acceleration cannot be broken into velocity/...

The Great Depression 經濟大蕭條 2018

The Great Depression 經濟大蕭條 2018 Economists use Recession to replace Great Depression, maybe correct or incorrect.

中國古籍 Chinese Literature

0. 詩經,楚辭 1. 四書五經 (Old school curriculum) 2. 孔孟,老莊,法學,墨子 (Philosophy) 3. 三字經 (3 word classic) 4. 孫子兵法 (Art of War) 5. 西遊記 (Journey to the...

NBA Rank 4-15-2019

NBA Rank 4-15-2019 1. Warriors (-5) 2. Celtics (2) 3. Spurs (4) 4 Bucks (10) 5. Thunder (16) 6. Rockets (21) 7 Jazz (23) 8. Trailblazers...

Lifetime quick record

Grades: 0-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1st to 3rd 4th to 6th Grad school part time Independent Research I and Research II. (10)

My Contribution in Jwo-Huei Jou's lab

My Contribution in Jwo-Huei Jou's lab in Materials Science Department in National Tsing Hua University. 1. Project thesis translation 2....

Original Post 4

1. Cancer may not kill people, they are scar tissues 2. Writes off debts, clear out debts. 3. Gundam Fighter my team: 1. Kira 2. Char 3....

Original Posts 3

1. Talk to Mother Nature 2. Baptism :: Head into and out of Water with Prayer 3. Company Size by Employee numbers 4. It used to be US:...

Original Post 2

1. Naruto Online: My Teams: 1. Fire + Neiji + Sasuke Custom + Ino (war) 2. Sasuke + Guy + Thunder + Naruto 2. Soup Kitchen:: Soup Kitchen...

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