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1st Social Sci. class by Me 我開的第一堂社會科學課

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

Social Science College Class by My theories:

(Total about 25.5 hours)


Great Depression (30min.)

1. Great Depression History story

2.Economists Erase Great Depression from dictionary, but it may still occur.

Money Transfers (30 min.):

1. Good Economy requires more and more money transfers

2. If you can circulate money with many people, then that is a good economy

3. Wealthy people and profitable business may not benefit Economy, because they may reduce number of money transfers. Thus, when people want to keep money, it is hard to achieve good economy.

4. Most money are taken by companies, while people have no money.

Not Always Demand and Supply Curves, vs Demand and Supply Curves. (30 min.)

1. Demand and Supply Curve: Y – X axis, P and Q p for price, Q for quantity

2. Demand:: The Cheaper the goods are, the more quantity people buy

Supply:: The more expensive, the more goods people are selling

3. Demand curve, Gold and Houses are cheap, with possible drop of prices, people buy less.

When Costs are high, even expensive goods, people may not sell, due to less profit.

Demand and Supply Curve Shift. (30 min.)

1. When supply increases, supply curve shifts to right, when decreased, shift to left.

When Demand increase supply curve shifts to right, when decreased, shift to left.

2. When supply curve shifts to right, oversupply, demand remains same, equilibrium price drops. Check Inventory or Stocks.

3. When Demand and supply curve shift, how much do they shift?

4. Marketing in economy for supply and demand curve is needed.

GDP (30min.):

1. GDP formula = C + G + I + NX Consumption, Government, Investment, Net Trade.

2. GDP = Cost of Living x Population so more costly the living plus more population give higher GDP

3. GDP might be increased by Debt or Loans

4. GDP computes Spending not:: Income/ Cost of Living

Accounting (30 min.) :

1. When assets cannot be sold, owner who possesses the wealth is still wealthy according to accounting, Wrong!, the owner is poor.

2. Assets = Liabilities + SE. More Debts, more wealth according to accounting, Wrong!.

3. Cashier did not keep Sales Records, so where do sales records come from?

Business (30min.) :

1. Company size should be by numbers of employees 公司大小應看員工數. Not investment amount.非資本額。investment amount is Initial loan amount, 一開始的借貸量。

2. Most American companies are Empty companies, no employees.

3. Company Income == employee's cost;; company cost == employee income. hard to make any advancement.


Stocks do not reflect Economy, because

Part I (30 min.):

A. stock index are represented by some companies only

B. stocks are transitioned between buyers and sellers, not company sellers, so companies are unaffected by stocks. So money flow only enter companies once and Nevermore. companies can buy and sell company stocks later, but that creates quantity change either dilute or concentrate stocks, so prices may go up or down when companies sell and buy stocks.

C. EPS or Earning Per Share might only consider Revenue but not Profit.

Part II (30 min.):

1. Good economy needs many money flows, while company profit absorb money with possibly reduction of money flows, and reducing their competitors. 2. Stock Markets optimism is complete unrelated to Economy Growth !!

2. Me: If companies’ accountants and managers are unaware the Absence of money flow from stocks, they have lack of accounting and financial surveillance.)

Part III (30min.)

1. 股票是人為操作,炒股炒高後,再賣股。把股票殺低,再買進。 English: Stocks are manipulated by People, raise up stock prices by words and moves, and Sell them at high. Crash stock prices with words and moves, and then buy them at low. 大的玩家包括: 1. 投資銀行 2. 基金 。 Big players include: 1. investment banks 2. funds

Inequality (1 hr.) :

1. GDP sounds good, but when facing Inequality, unequal distribution of wealth, meaningless. 遇到貧富不均無意義。

2. Lorenz Curve and Gini coefficient

3. The only people who have power to buy things or consume, are Retired People, because wealth accumulates.

4. When young people are all bankrupt, human beings face extinction. (because old people get jobs first;; while population decreases, less people are needed, so young people are unemployed.)

5. Note Population math: when all give birth to 1 child (8-4-2-1) (4+2+1)/(8+4+2)=1/2 50% decrease. When all give birth to 2 children (2-2-2-2) population remains constant.

6. Note 2: Population Aging. 42. 5. Most population and most consumers will become Age 60 or above. Aging populations. Consumption power diminish.

Inflation (30min.):

1. Inflation theory

2. CPI formula

3. Inflation is by printing money, but the truth is inflation is caused by that everyone wants to earn more money, so all people raise prices. Inflation is unaffected by money printing, because for example, if it is a secret, then price may remain the same.

Housing Bubble

Part A (30min.)::

1. Housing bubble might happen, so housing prices might drop instead of going up

2. Vacancy Rate or Empty houses rate may contribute to housing bubble. .

3. When supply is much greater than demand, housing bubble might happen.

4. When people cannot afford houses, housing bubble may happen.

Part B (30min.):

1. Housing bubble created USA financial crisis in 2009.

2. Interest Rates gone up. People could not pay mortgages, and houses became foreclosure.

3. Banks that Package housing loans into investable products, made investors lose money when foreclosures happened.

Unemployment Rate (30 min.):

Part I:

1. Unemployment Rate formula

2. When people die off or people leave work force, Unemployment Drops. Like for example,:: Ex. 80/100 =80% (80-20)/(100-20) = 60/80 =75%

3. Unemployment Rate and Youth Unemployment Rate are Different

4. Unemployment Rates is a strange question due to Labor Force. Unemployed people number / Labor Force = Unemployment Rate. Unemployment Rate asks 3 questions Do people want to work? can work? have work? Who wants to work anyways? strange questions.

5. American presidents like to claim job creations, maybe vacant position creations. not job creations.

Part II (30 min.)

6. Youth Unemployment Rate: Youth Generation due to Grades, (GPA 3.0+ or 3.3+ leads to 25% or 20% passing) and Work Experience Requirement so, Unemployment Rate is 80+% for young people. (Note: Ask professors and schools to do more research on Grades % or % drop out rate)

7. Unemployment Rates are fabricated due to Fabricated Population numbers.

Note Population math: when all give birth to 1 child (8-4-2-1) (4+2+1)/(8+4+2)=1/2 50% decrease. When all give birth to 2 children (2-2-2-2) population remains constant.

Note 2: Population Aging. 42. 5. Most population and most consumers will become Age 60 or above. Aging populations. Consumption power diminish.

Financial Analyses (30min.)

1. Financial Analyses and Financial Statements might be absent or lacked.

2. Show examples of financial statements

3. Show examples of financial analyses or formulas.

4. 2. 1. Current Ratio 流動比率& Quick Ratio,.速動比率..;. Do the above financial analyses with government surveillance 做財務分析與政府監督。

Criticism on Capitalism (30 min.)

1. Capitalism is a Failure society system.

2. I like to replace them with socialism or communism.

3. Marxism on Youtube. Karl Marx. Political Theory Karl Marx.

4. Today, Oversupply lead people to no need to work, but under business or capitalism, people lose income, if they don't work.

Communism vs Capitalism (30min.)


1. Communism’s Founder is Karl Marx, a German philosopher, born 1818. 2. Communism criticizes Capitalism.3. After WWII United States of America and Soviet Union Russia have Cold war, so USA kind of make communism look bad. Possible Rough ideas between Communism vs Capitalism Communism vs Capitalism 共產主義 vs 資本主義

2. Communism:1. No Money, Volunteering 2. Equal share of Wealth or Redistribution of Wealth3. Less work, Sales first because of too much stock or inventory 4. No companies 5. Free Food, and Free Clothes

3. Capitalism:1. Money as number 1, No volunteering 2. Top gets most, bottom gets least 3. More work, more production 4. All companies 5. No Free things, everything needs to be earned




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