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作家相片James Hong

25+ Theories I overthrew 我推翻的理論

All my work is recorded in the notes of this fanpage.  25+ Theories I have overthrown.  我所有的工作都記錄在這個粉絲專頁的筆記中。 25+理論我已經推翻了。


1. Supply Curve: More Expensive More sellers, it should be More Profit not Higher Price. Accounting:  2. Asset = Liability + Stock Holder's Equity More Liability is more debt = more Asset or more wealth. Wrong  3. More Asset = more wealth Wrong, because assets may be sold in low price or not sold.Economy :  4. GDP problems: a.population effect loans c. by inflation Economy: leads to High GDP. 5. Printing money leads to inflation. If the printing is kept secret, prices do not change, Price up because everyone wants to earn more money Business:  6. Stocks lead to more money, stocks are transfered between investors, so no money input by stocks into companies.  7. Company size should be by employee numbers not by investment or loans


會計: 2.資產=負債+股票持有人的權益更多的負債是更多債務=更多資產或更多財富。錯誤 3.更多資產=更多財富錯誤,因為資產可能以低價出售或賣不出去。

經濟: 4. GDP問題:因為人口,借貸,通貨膨脹。GDP 高。

經濟: 5. 印鈔票會導致通貨膨脹。如果打印保密,價格不會改變,價格上漲,因為每個人都想賺更多錢業務: 6.股票導致更多資金,股票在投資者之間轉移,因此股票沒有資金輸入公司。 7.公司規模應由員工數量而定而非投資或貸款

  8. EPS is earning per share, but maybe revenue and not profit.  Physics:  9. Spring Force = k(X)= k (distance) work = force (distance) = k(distance) (distance) = kx^2 not 1/2kX^2 10. relativity says:: light speed is constant; so travel distance up, time interval increase or expanded. sorry, your faster-than-light vehicle has increased the light speed.  11. Dark hole should have very dense mass  12. acceleration/time is a new vocab used wile v(t) =ct^3  13. GM/r- Gm/r = mv^2/r (Earth-moon) for gravitation.  Chemistry: 14. Faster Reactants Decrease Rate by More Concentration Input but Efficiency = Output (reaction rate)/ Input (concentration) 

8. EPS每股收益,但可能是收入而非利潤。 物理: 9.彈簧力= k(X)= k(距離)work =力(距離)= k(距離)(距離)= kx ^ 2不是1 / 2kX ^ 2 10.相對論說::光速恆定;所以旅行距離增加,時間間隔增加或擴大。對不起,你的超光速快車速度提高了光速。 11.黑洞應該有非常密集的質量 12.加速度/時間是使用wile v(t)= ct ^ 3的新詞彙 13. GM / r-Gm / r = mv ^ 2 / r(地月)用於引力。 化學:14。更快的反應物通過更多濃度輸入降低速率但效率=輸出(反應速率)/輸入(濃度)

15. Electron-Hole Recombination (holes are absences of electrons) (valence energy level does not transfer any units) so should be Band Gap do control entrance and stay of electrons.  Physics: 16.Heat (Radiation heat rate is not Temperature dependent)  17. F/A = E dL/Lo F= force L = length F/E = dL/Lo more E less dL/Lo so E is stiffness not elasticity.  18. Population: 18. If all married with 2 child born 8-4-2-1 (family tree)  19. Marriage Rate x (children per parents/2) to 1 equals change of population; population likely decline when max is 60% (3 births/2).  20. Population numbers likely fabricated which leads to fake unemployment rates and fake GDP numbers  21. Reverse Population Pyramid when age gap intervals need to be adjusted. 

15.電子 - 空穴複合(空穴沒有電子)(Valence Energy Level 不轉移任何單位)所以應該是能量帶隙控制 Band Gap 電子的進入和停留。 物理學:16.Heat(輻射熱率不依賴於溫度) 17.F / A = E dL / Lo F =力L =長度,, F / E = dL / Lo更多E減少 dL / Lo。所以E是剛度而不是彈性。 18.人口:如果所有已婚的2個孩子出生8-4-2-1(家譜) 19.婚姻率x(每個父母的子女數/ 2)至1等於人口的變化;當最大值為60%(3個出生/ 2個)時,人口可能會下降。 20.可能捏造的人口數量導致假失業率和假的GDP數字 21.需要調整年齡差距單位的反向人口金字塔。

22. When Sales Records being Absent or not keeping track, hard to do Accounting. Quantum Physics: 23. Square of Wave Function = Probability is hard to understand.  24. If Electrons revolve core by charges, why don't them bump into the core (with protons and neutrons), and why electron models?  25. Voltage= Current (Resistance) Voltage is not energy/ charge is Initial Current in Rate. V/ R = Initial Current in Rate/ Resistance = Final Current in Rate  26. Ideal Gas Law P1V1/n1T1 = P2V2/n2T2 (pressure volume temperature) Temperature and volume have 2 relationship (so no formula) Temperature Up, volume expands, but volume expands, Temperature decreased.  27. Every Physical Science Formulas only consider or include Discovered Factors, and without not yet discovered factors.  28. Companies making money may reduce number of money transfers, which hurt economy, that needs the transfers.

22.當銷售記錄缺席或沒有跟踪時,很難進行會計核算。 量子物理學:23。波函數的平方=概率,,難以理解。 24.如果電子通過電荷旋轉核心,它們為什麼不撞擊核心(質子和中子),為什麼電子模型? 25.電壓=電流(電阻)電壓不是能量/電荷是速率的初始電流。 V / R =電阻中的初始電流/電阻=速率下的最終電流 26.理想氣體定律P1V1 / n1T1 = P2V2 / n2T2(壓力體積溫度)溫度和體積有2個關係(所以沒有公式)溫度升高,體積膨脹,但體積膨脹,溫度降低。 27.每個物理科學公式只考慮或包括發現因子,並且沒有包含尚未發現因素。 28.賺錢的公司可能會減少需要轉賬的資金轉移,這會損害經濟。

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