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作家相片James Hong

Books: 書本:

1. Some Jing Yong’s Chinese wuxia novels now have English versions

A: (射鵰英雄傳)

B: (神鵰俠侶)

2. Some Books in Taiwan are disappeared due to last editions: 一些在台灣的書本消失:

They are 拇指文庫,福爾摩斯,亞森羅蘋,資治通鑑,話說中國歷史,中國文學故事,世界文學,偉人傳記: Thumbs novels, Sherlock Holmes, Chinese History, Chinese Literature Story, World Literature, Biography.

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費馬大定理 Fermat's Last Theorem

費馬大定理 X^n+ Y^n = Z^n No positive integers (沒有正整數) for X, Y and Z when n is > 2 1. 這道題目可以用電腦去解。 2. 可以用計算機去解 3. X=Y;; X 可以,等於 Y 例子: X= Y =...

Basketball Projectile

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