Statement: Most populations do not exist, because declined populations are declared in growth.
How to prove that populations are in decline?
1. Because with marriage rate 28%, each parents needs to give 7 children 28%(7/2) = 100%, to get an unchanged population. (less than 7, populations are in decline)
2. If marriage rate is increased from 28% to 40%, each parents still needs to give 5 children to have unchanged populations. 40% (5/2) = 100% .
Consequence: 1. So numbers people know,, might be completely fabricated.
2. Unemployment Rate 4% sure. But our population numbers might be equal to or less than the 4% of public numbers. 3. All our change of populations are based on 1950's populations, what if that number is fake.
聲明:大多數人口不存在,因為人口減少,但被宣布增長。 如何證明人口在下降? 1.因為結婚率為28%,每個父母需要生7個孩子28%(7/2)= 100%,以獲得不變的人口。 (少於7人,人口在下降) 2.如果結婚率從28%增加到40%,每個父母仍然需要生5個孩子以保持不變的人口。 40%(5/2)= 100%。 結果:1。人們都知道,數字可能是完全捏造的。 2.失業率4%肯定。但是我們的人口數量可能等於或小於公共數字的4%。 3.我們所有人口的變化都是基於1950年的人口,如果這個數字是假的,那該怎麼辦?