Does stock reflect Economy? 股票反映經濟嗎?
1. When company earns money, stock price goes up, so the increase reflects a company's ability in earning money. On the contrary, it's the opposite, when company loses money, stock price goes down.
2. Company's abilities in earning money does not have anything to do with Economy, because good Economy is about having many transfers of money, not company earning or making money.
3. Company's making money does not mean creating more wealthy people. maybe less people.
In conclusion, stocks does Not reflect economy.
1. 當公司賺錢時,股票價格會上漲,因此這一增長反映了公司賺錢的能力。 相反,恰恰相反,當公司虧錢時,股價就會下跌。
3. 公司賺錢並不意味著創造更多富裕的人。 也許更少有錢的人。