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More my Research 更多我的研究

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1. 綠燈轉彎行人被撞,用轉彎燈在黃燈之前(但行人是紅燈)。Use Turn light before Yellow Light for turns while pedestrian's light is red to avoid hitting pedestrians.

2. Title: 人口下降對失業率的影響。Effect of Population Decline to Unemployment Rate  Conditions:. Employed 50/100 Unemployed 50/100;; 100=> 50 so depends on how decrease is distributed among employed and unemployed.  Most optimistic way: Case1: If 50 unemployed are gone. 16/50 Consumption => 0; 16 people are laid off 34/50 consumption is halved. so 17 people are laid off. 16+17 = 33 people/50 in total become unemployed. 33/50 =66% unemployment rate. 50% to 66% equals 16% increase in unemployment rate.  Case 2: 26/50 remains (unemployed) 24/50 remains (employed). 8 +8/16 fired due to decrease in consumption. so unemployed == (24 +8+8)/50 =40/50 =80% unemployment rate 80-50 = 30% increase in unemployment rate.

2. 人口下降對失業率的影響 條件:。僱用50/100失業50/100 ;; 100 => 50因此取決於就業和失業人員的減少分配情況。 最樂觀的方式:

案例1:如果50名失業者已經過世。 16/50消耗=> 0; 16人被解僱34/50消費減半。所以有17人被解雇了。 16 + 17 = 33人/ 50人失業。 33/50 = 66%的失業率。 50%至66%相當於失業率增加16%。

案例2:26/50(失業)24/50(就業)。 8 + 8/16由於消費減少而被解僱。失業率==(24 + 8 + 8)/ 50 = 40/50 = 80%失業率80-50 =失業率增加30%。

3. More physical Sci.

Acceleration/ time. = a new vocabulary   We know, For Example, Force = Mass x Acceleration, as it without not yet discovered factors. for Ex: 1m/s^2 to 3m/s^2 in 10 s, linearly. that is called (acceleration/time).  Example1: v(t)=ct^2 v(t)/t = 2ct;; Example 2: v(t)=ct^3, v(t)/t = 3ct^2 v(t)/t^2= 6ct t= time v(t)= velocity.

3.更多物理科學。 加速度/時間。 =一個新的詞彙 我們知道,例如,Force = Mass x Acceleration,因為它尚未發現因素。 Ex:1m / s ^ 2~3m / s ^ 2,10s,線性。被稱為(加速/時間)。 例1:v(t)= ct ^ 2 v(t)/ t = 2ct ;;例2:v(t)= ct ^ 3,v(t)/ t = 3ct ^ 2 v(t)/ t ^ 2 = 6ct t =時間v(t)=速度.  

4. 金庸小說排名: 1神鵰 2 射鵰 3 笑傲 4 天龍 5 倚天

5. Chinese Popular, Chinese Folk, and Anime theme songs, what I most hear.

6. 股票和經濟沒關係,漲只是股票變貴,股票在投資人間流動,近無關公司。

6. Stocks and Economy are unrelated. The rise is that stocks become more expensive, stocks flow among investors, and there is no company involved.

7. 人口數字捏造出來的, GDP, 和失業率當然是假的。

Population numbers are made up or fabricated. So are unemployment rates and GDP.

8. 4. Ages for TCG:  VG13+, Weib S15+ Yugioh18+ MTG 20+ Hearthstone 21+ Pokemon22+ MTG(All) 24+ 

9. 美國大學是採用高中生申請學校的,但是很多學生看到學校入學的學生平均成績很高就自卑的不想申請,比方說10 年前 University California of Irvine Average Entrance GPA 3.2 now is 4.2 全美最高,那學生就不會申請。那很多名校 Average Entrance GPA (成績) 高,學生不申請,就導致它們收不到美國學生,要收海外學生。 USA high school students apply for colleges/ universities, some they apply some don’t. hard to say high average entrance gpa schools, will or will not apply, or stop them from applying psychologically.  

10. I want to turn you into a greatest scholar, with 1 sentence, You must have both faith and skepticism with an ability to prove things right or wrong.  我想把你變成一個最偉大的學者,有一句話,你必須既有信仰又有懷疑態度,能夠證明事情是對還是錯。




費馬大定理 Fermat's Last Theorem

費馬大定理 X^n+ Y^n = Z^n No positive integers (沒有正整數) for X, Y and Z when n is > 2 1. 這道題目可以用電腦去解。 2. 可以用計算機去解 3. X=Y;; X 可以,等於 Y 例子: X= Y =...

Basketball Projectile

For NBA, your projectile, broken into 2 force velocity vectors in a ratio. Distance y = - 1/2gt(t) + v sine angle (t ) + ? from floor....


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