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My Autobiography 2 我的自傳2

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1988 - 2001 Lived in Taipei, Taiwan. Favorite subjects: Chinese and History;; Worst Subjects: English and Math;; Activity: Story Reading (more Activities: 1. Ping-pong 2. Taekwondo 3. Piano playing)

The reason I went to Ohio in USA because the school I attended in Taiwan was too difficult at age of 13.

2001 - 2002 moved to Akron Ohio: Hudson (0.5 year) and Stow (1 year): Ping-pong won a school championship. Favorite subject:: US History Worst Subject: Algebra I; Overall academic performance (Low) Social performance: High. Took Wood shop class, and Volleyball and Medicine Ball Volleyball competition, Marching Band, (beginner percussion drum player). Doing practice in Bowling, as a Beginner.

My anime character was Rock Lee, who uses Taekwondo with hard-work, with that hair,style. when people thought of me who can do kung-fu. Before I went to Kimpton, I was asked about writing about my career goal, and I wrote, that I wanted to become an anime character or a fictional character.

2002- 2006 Irvine’s University High School;; Games played: 1. Pokemon I 2. Super Robot War Taisen G. 3. Super Smash Bros Game Cube

AP Classes Taken: 1 Chinese 2. Bio 3. Physics 4. Calculus AB 5. Chemistry

Struggle: SAT I class preparation , AP classes. and English

Strength: Chinese: Reading all 4 Classic novels, and Jinyong’s 4 novels 射鵰三部 and 笑傲

Summer 2006 (study Psychology, US History, and All AP classes in Review)

UC Irvine 2006- 2011 : January. 2007 -- Facebook Activated and Youtube Activated.

Tour During UC Irvine: 1. Disneyland 2. Big Bear (winter retreat) 3. San Diego Zoo (after graduation) 4. May 2012 (Irvine, Las Vegas, Berkeley)

Major changes: Undecided Undeclared (2006-2007) Chem Engineering (2007 I, II) Materils Sci Engineering (2007 III) One of my okay friends, suggested me to change my major saying (your grades suck, you should change your major; My change of major does help me likely maintain my GPA.)

Being group leaders in group projects about always for 5+ times: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Engineering writing, 2 labs, Senior Project. (Responsibility: writing, assigning tasks and meeting time, and writing compilation, sometimes presentation)

2006- 2011 100 college essays or articles written

2006 -2011 Attending Student Organizations’ Meeting in UC Irvine: 1. CA 2. TSA 3. TAO 4. ESC E-Week 5. VSA 6. Hawaii Club 7. Circle K 8. Anteater Tzhuching 9. CSA 10 HKSU 11 Tomonokai (Chinese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Hawaii, Japan) 12. EFCI (church 1.5 G fellowship)

2006 -- 2011 Major Failures in Academic during UCI : 1. Failing Thermodynamics 2. Taking 6 writing classes in first 2 years instead of 3 classes 3. No Pass Grade on Econ 25, the easiest class, almost got a F 4. choosing my major in my 2nd year of college.

2006-2011 Games played: 1. 幻世錄 2. Hikaru No Go GBA 3. Online Pokemon TCG

2006-- 2019: Adding all Friends into my FB account.

2011 June Received B.S. in Materials Sci. Engineering from UC Irvine. GPA 3.0.

2011 July: Started playing Yugioh, Magic the Gathering, and Pokemon TCG

(First chose Green Black Elf Removal and lost 10+ times straight to Buz Buzz Kevin Hung, 林贏豪 (Lin Chris), and Kuanping Chang) then started to turn around with White Green Ally and Tramatize Keening Stone (Blue Black))

MTG Decks: Me: WG Ally, Red Drawing Burn, Keening Traumatize Blue Black, Pure White Human, Red White Burn,

MTG: Chris: Black Sacrifice and White Soldier Kevin: Blue White Bird, Blue Merfold, Green Black Spirit Kuanping -- White Knight, White Angel, Blue Geist of Saint Traft

Yugioh: Kuanping -- Light Swarm, Black Wing Kevin: Blackwing, Counter Fairy, Umi Sea James: Zombie, Machine,

2011 July: Attending IYF (International Youth Fellowship Camp, in UC Irvine)

2011 Oct: Watching all sorts of Manufacturing Videos online

2011 Nov. Fundamental Engineering Exam Certificate Received Reviewing all my Engineering classes.

2011 Studying all sorts of Martial Arts (casual manner)

2012 January got into Stock Market (indexies) and used “All in” phrase to create global stock market optimism.

2012 January -- Applied Materials Sci Engineering as an overseas student to 3 grad schools.

Grad School as Materials Sci. Engineering from National Tsing Hua University (2012 September -- 2015 September ) GPA 3.0.

Major Failure: 1. Got a psychological disorder in my 2nd year of grad school, 2. My FB account was deleted by my family, and all my friends were removed. (the story was written into Nirvana in Fire, the novel and TV series.)

Major Academic Failure: 1. Cannot do OLED lab, 2. Flunk or Fail Kinetics 2 times 3. Could not lengthen my Thesis in the end 4. Defense was criticized.

Movie Portrayal of me : 1. Hobbit the Trilogy of the main characters 2. Ip Man 3. Xiang in XXX 4. X-men Apocalypse all Characters 5. Nico Laude in Rush.

Grad School activities: 1. Watching Running Man 2. Playing Avengers Alliance using Black Widow, Human Torch, and Main character with suit. 3. joining a leadership club in NTHU 4. Rebuilt of my Facebook Account 5. Started singing attempt

Tour during Grad School in Taiwan: 1. Auwanda 2. Foguang Shan Temple Kaohsiung 3. Zhongtai chan si Temple, Taichung 4. Yida Kaohsiung 5. Kenting || Hsinchu: 6. Glass Museum 6. Cheng Huan temple 7. Train Station 8. Tain Deng Shanghai exhibition.

During the day before my grad school graduation (3rd year), TWSE index plunged or fell from June to Early September until I graduated.

After Grad School::, Playing Naruto Online, and watching NBA, (Warriors vs Cavaliers 4 times since 2014-2018)

Waiting for Military Service for Exempt, or Excuse with my psychological disorder medical record.

During the wait, March to April USA Trip (Irvine, Irvine Spectrum, Meeting Friends, playing MTG with Kuanping, Eating Dinner with Tim Kang, Griffith Observatory and Little Tokyo in LA, Hollywood Bullevard, and Universal Studio Mall with William Pan and Richard Agbulos,) Texas (NASA space center and playing ping pong with Jason Wang, eating steak, little lobster, lobster, and catfish, and pho with Jason’s family) going to Ohio (Little Switzerland, Ivory train carving, cheese factory, Case Western Reserve Tour, Kimpton MS revisit) Virginia (Montecello Tour, and Medical school tour), Washington DC Tour ( Korean, Vietnam War memorial, Jefferson, Lincoln Memorial, Museume Visits;; (New York): 1. Metropolitan Museum, Main Station, Central Park, Time Square,..etc. Museum tour,...

Transportation Methods during USA tour 1. Free Car Rides 2. Amtrak 3. Metro 4. Possibly Gray-hound

People visited: Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, Friends, brother

Then returned to Taiwan; my military service was excused or exempted.

I then put emphasis on waiting for replies from my resume, and I got None.

Then I focused on playing games:

MTG Deck: Me: WG Ally, Red Drawing Burn, Keening Traumatize Blue Black, Pure White Human, Red White Burn,

Yugioh: Zombie and Machine dec

Naruto Online 1. (Fire, Ino War, Neiji, and Sasuke Custom) 2. (Thunder, Sasuke, Guy, Naruto)

Hearthstone: (Murlock Paladin)

Tower of Savior (King of Fighter : Athena (Leader), Athena, (Lubu) Benimaru, Terry Bogard, Kyo(benched)

Then June 2016 My psychology disorder came back to me,, one day in July 2016, I charged into a police station, and slapped on their table, and got beat up by 3 police and sent to a mental hospital.

This psychology disorder occurs when 1. the fear of loss of privacy 2. the fear of being assassinated 3. the fear of deaths of other people or disappearance of objects 4. stress being accumulated.

Symptom is that the patient hears random noises, which other people cannot hear, that creates worries and being distracted. But normal people cannot understand.

And the doctor diagnose it as a disorder as a patient who cannot differentiate reality and illusion. This is an oversimplification, where doctors think that they can outsmart others, maybe, maybe not.

Doctor said that I am like Nash in a Beautiful mind, the movie. I was like would I become a genius, or a super smart person. I never believed that I would surpass Nash 10x above, in the future like within 6 years. But it has happened.

In mental hospital, I was training or playing 1, Chess 2, Chinese Chess, and 3. Go/Baduk. to be as competitive as possible. I was also playing ping-pong, doing 3 word classic Chinese to English translation, reading books, manga, and novel. as it was my 2nd stay in the hospital. After I got release permissions to go home, I played Naruto Online to beat Sasori with my team,... and etc.

After, I got out of mental hospital, I used playing cards, and Holy Bible (New Testament) to answer my questions. with playing cards to the page numbers of Holy Bible and use the random line to answer my question. With many many questions answered.

From a church group, an insurance company manager wanted me to join the insurance company, to get a job. But I went and found that their certificate exams too difficult to take. So I quit.

Then, I had built an OLED light holder lamp, and showed it to the manager’s husband. Then, he thought of me as a person with potential, so he recruited me into his organic-chemistry technology company. I then spent 3 months studying all the related knowledge from books I purchased, with a determination to be self-educated. I then left the company when they could not pay me, 3 months after I joined.

After I left the company, I was reading a person’s FB post, and all of sudden, My brain let me hear tons of questions asking me this and that, like, I need to hold many press conferences. So I wrote down answer after answer as FB posts.

2 months later, I got into a FB argument which I could not recall why. He said, you’re not the greatest of all time. Albert Einstein is G.O.A.T., and I said I would surpass him in no time, by overthrowing his theory.

In the same month, I was attending my cousin’s birthday celebration, my aunt asked me some questions, which I tried to answer. Such as how to compute Pi, how to create fake teeth,...etc.

Then, 1 month later, I saw on my window, the window that has stickers on it. that I realized that I am Megaman X, I need to work hard, and hard, to ensure that human beings do not extinct. Maybe, I would fail.

Then 4 months later, I got myself into a Teacher online certificate program for positions in USA. I then went back to study physical science, physics and chemistry, to strengthen my foundation.

I also have had shaky financial records, with little wealth, so I have tried hard to find out problems, and to answer for providing possible solutions.

The previous above 6 paragraphs,, led to me answering questions after questions, with some overthrows of theories, with some of them in textbooks.

Very quickly, 3.5 years have passed since I graduated from grad school with my master degree. My independent research from 04 -2016 to 04- 2019 is coming to an End. I need to find out what to do next; maybe, I am going back to pick up my translation job, unless, the employer says no.

Sport : 1. Ping-pong 2. Random Martial arts 3. Cue ball/pool 4. Some Basketball




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