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My Game-play Teams:

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1. Pokemon Firereed/ Leafgreen: 1. Blastoise 2. Kadabra 3. Jolteon 4. Articuno

2. Yugioh: 1. Zombie 2. Machine

3. MTG: 1. White Human 2. GW Ally 3. UB Tramatize Keening Stone 4. Red White control 5. Drawing Burn Red

4. Naruto Online: 1. Ino War, Fire, Sasuke custom, Neiji 2. Thunder, Guy, Sasuke, Naruto

5. Marvel Avengers Alliance: 1. Human Torch 2. Black Widow 3 Agent

6. Tower of Savior: KOF team: 1. Athena (Dark) leader, Athena Dark, Lubu Dark, Banimaru Light, Terry Bogard Light, (Bench) Kyo (fire)

7. Yugioh Duel Link: 1. Warrior 2. Six Samurai

8. Hearth Stone: Murloc Paladin.




費馬大定理 Fermat's Last Theorem

費馬大定理 X^n+ Y^n = Z^n No positive integers (沒有正整數) for X, Y and Z when n is > 2 1. 這道題目可以用電腦去解。 2. 可以用計算機去解 3. X=Y;; X 可以,等於 Y 例子: X= Y =...

Basketball Projectile

For NBA, your projectile, broken into 2 force velocity vectors in a ratio. Distance y = - 1/2gt(t) + v sine angle (t ) + ? from floor....


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