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Original Posts 1

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1. To China 以令狐沖 as a Role Model\

2. War and Peace, Ballet, and National Park for Russia's culture and Tourism

3. Taiwan should develop its culture especially Art

4. Army for Infrastructure

5. Obama as Head of Law department, Mayinjou as Head of Commerce

6. To Trump, Who says Elephants can't dance is a good book.

7. My anime ability Summon Yugioh monster Army

8. Kinetics Introduction:: Phase + Grain + Diffusion

9. Religion might be Shaman King and Yuyuhakusho

10. Wall E can be human life style

11. Group Retirement

12. Trash can be dissolved in Acid

13. Economy: 1. Price 2. Quantity 3. Time (extra)

14. My LOL character is Garen

15. My Soul Calibur II characters are 1. Raphael 2. Talim 3. Maxi

16. Giving People Basic Income Idea

17. New FB (1. Weibo post as Grid view) 2. No Friend Request Deletion 3. Timeline

4. Cards for Friend Celebration

18. Brita to Save/solve water problems in Flint

19. Pokemon my team: 1. Kadabra 2. Articuno 3. Blastoise 4. Jolteon

20. Use Music to create Islam State (Religion)

21. 9 Ball pool is easier than 15 Ball pool

22. NBA's basketball weight is unified, others are not

23. Tree growing babies for planting

24. Education Requirement => fewer teachers

25. Certificates requirement reduce number of applicants .




費馬大定理 Fermat's Last Theorem

費馬大定理 X^n+ Y^n = Z^n No positive integers (沒有正整數) for X, Y and Z when n is > 2 1. 這道題目可以用電腦去解。 2. 可以用計算機去解 3. X=Y;; X 可以,等於 Y 例子: X= Y =...

Basketball Projectile

For NBA, your projectile, broken into 2 force velocity vectors in a ratio. Distance y = - 1/2gt(t) + v sine angle (t ) + ? from floor....


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