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Population (more) 人口 (更多)

作家相片: James HongJames Hong


Thanos talked about population as exponential growth

1. Our beliefs in population are Exponential Growth.

2. Google Populations show Linear Growths in population

3. Population Pyramid. net shows a hill curve in population

4. Actually as marriage rate as (28%) each child per parents is 7 and /2. multiply 28% with 7/2 equals 100% which means unchanged population requires 7 children per parents.

There are 4 population theories, and people only believe and know the 1st one.

Thanos談到人口呈指數級增長 1.我們對人口的信念是指數增長。 2. Google顯示人口為線性增長 3.人口金字塔。 net顯示人口中的山坡曲線 4.實際上,結婚率為(28%)是每對父母的孩子數7和/ 2。乘以28%,7/2等於100%,這意味著不變的人口需要每個父母7個孩子。





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