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Probability 機率

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1. Any probability can happen, especially in throwing dice and drawing cards. 任何機率都可能發生,尤其是在丟骰子和抽牌。

2. In Thirteen. JQKA2 are the top numbers instead of JQK so the probability is 5/13 not 3/13.

在十三。 JQKA2是頂部數字而不是JQK,所以概率是5/13而不是3/13。

3. Black Jack 21 點: 10,JQK 4/13 (2) =8/13 to get 1 (10JQK) (60%) but if 20 and 21 (4/13)(5/13)=(12%) But 3 cards' results are not within my reach ability.




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