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作家相片James Hong

Real Life Story Trilogy 1 (2012-2014) 真實故事三部曲 1

你女兒知不知道 James 這個人? 知道, 她說她在校園裡見過他, 也聽說過一些他的傳聞. 傳聞怎樣說他? 傳聞?他常換女朋友. 你女兒怎樣說? 我女兒說, 她在校園常看到他, 看到他都是一個人獨自走在校園上, 實在不覺得他有女朋友.而且. 她還覺得他滿孤獨的. 所以你女兒說傳聞是謠言囉? 所謂無風不起浪, 說不定他私底下很花.

你女兒還說啥? 她說, James 這個人表面很多話, 長篇大論, 但實際上很保守, 有很多時候他都是講事實, 而不是發表自己的意見. 所以你女兒有看他的部落格? 有. 傳聞還說他這個人 很 controversial, 爭論性, 看來這傳聞也不完全正確. 對了, 他有談論到美國的墨西哥非法移民問題嗎? 他只說這是個重要議題, 其他的, 他倒沒說. 結果, 他剛講完, 我們的國務(..) Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton 就正視這個問題. 看來只是他講的話題很爭論性, 他講的還好.

最近James還講了啥? 他說他的教課老師要他們看 Scientific Paper 還要寫摘要. 看 Paper 不是 graduate students 研究生在做的事嗎? 他老師幹甚麼給他這個大學生這個任務? 我朋友也這樣說. 你朋友也知道 James? 知道.

Does your daughter know James? I know, she said that she has seen him on campus, and I have heard of some of his rumors. How do you say him? Rumors? He often changes his girlfriend. How does your daughter say? My daughter She said that she often saw him on campus. He saw that he was alone on campus. He really didn't think he had a girlfriend. And she still felt that he was lonely. So your daughter said that rumors are rumors? There is no wind and no waves, maybe he is very private. What is your daughter saying? She said that James is a lot of people who have a lot of words and long stories, but they are actually very conservative. There are many times when he is telling facts instead of expressing his opinions. So your daughter has a blog to see him? Yes. The rumor also said that this person is very controversial, controversial, it seems that this rumor is not completely correct. Yes, he has talked about the Mexican illegal immigration problem in the United States? He only said that this is an important issue, others, he Didn't say it. As a result, he just finished speaking, our State (..) Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton is facing this problem. It seems that his topic is very controversial, he is okay. Recently, James also said? He said that his teaching teacher asked them to read the Scientific Paper and write a summary. Seeing that Paper is not graduate students. What is the graduate student doing? What does his teacher do for him? This is the same for my friends. Say. Do your friends know James? You know.

對了, 那他最近的心情怎樣? 還是跟以前一樣, 不開心. 聽說他最近之前還有考慮刪掉他的 FB 帳號. 應該不是刪掉 (Delete), 應該只是 停用 (Deactivate). 不過我想他是想了解他開這 FB 帳號有沒有意義吧, 想知道有沒有人支持他繼續開 FB. 事實上也確實如此. 結果, 發生甚麼事? 沒甚麼人回他. 那他還有繼續開FB嗎? 有. 你女兒怎麼說. 她說她有朋友, 開車路過見到他走路時, 有喊兩聲 James 聲援他. 等一下, 然後他有聽到? 去, 那他不就知道”讀者”的存在了?! 從頭到尾, 他開的東西都只限他的朋友閱讀, 他大概不希望有那樣多人討論他的事吧. 算了吧, 他大概早就知道了, 只是裝做不知道而已.

那最近他還做了些甚麼事? 他有打電話告訴 BOA (Bank of America) 美國銀行說他要關掉他的帳戶. 為甚麼? 大概是他使用的那個防止帳戶盜用的銀行服務沒有被終結吧. 聽說他有打電話給 BOA, 叫他們終止服務, 結果 BOA 沒有. 這項服務會要求使用者付月費. 對了, 那為甚麼, 他一開始會用這項服務? 有兩種可能 一是他以前有東西被偷或被盜用, 二是他被推銷員說服. 據說, 他同學也要關掉他的帳戶了. 看起來 BOA (Bank of America) 的股價近期內會下跌. 你那樣神, 乾脆轉行去金融投資好了.兩個月內, BOA 股票一定會跌, 一年後股票回升. 好吧, 反正我沒持 BOA 的股票, 我倒沒甚麼好擔心的.

對了那他到底是念甚麼? 材料科學與工程. 那念完要做甚麼? 不知道. 可能和製造相關或晶圓代工, 要不然就是鍍膜. 那不就是在亞州發展比較好. 對, 所以他決定回台灣. 他要回台灣? 他花了我們納稅人的錢去繳他的大學學費, 他就甚麼事也不做, 就回台灣? 那不然要怎樣. 他在美國又不好發展, 你能期待他甚麼? 讀工程的不好找事做嗎? 讀工學院的 電機和機械還滿好找工作的, 但材料就不行. 那你女兒知道嗎? 應該不知道吧. 但警方知道了. 警方知道了?!, 那他們要做甚麼? 他們要在他離美的那一天, 在校園上管制, 以防有人在那一天, 抗議或暴動. 真的假的, 他離美會引發抗議? 不知道, 爾灣的警察就是沒事找事做.


That's right, what is his recent mood? Still the same as before, not happy. I heard that he has recently considered deleting his FB account. It should not be deleted, it should only be deactivated. I think he wants to know if he has any meaning in opening this FB account. I want to know if anyone supports him to continue to open FB. In fact, it is true. As a result, what happened? No one returned to him. Then he still keeps on. FB? Yes. What did your daughter say. She said that she has friends. When I saw him walking by car, there were two calls from James to support him. Wait a minute, then he heard? Go, then he won’t know "readers" Is there a thing?! From beginning to end, everything he opens is limited to his friends. He probably doesn’t want to have so many people discussing his affairs. Forget it, he probably already knew it, just pretend not to pretend. Know it.

What did he do recently? He called to tell BOA (Bank of America) that Bank of America said he wanted to close his account. Why? Perhaps the bank service he used to prevent account theft was not terminated. I heard that he had called BOA and told them to terminate the service. As a result, BOA did not. The service would require the user to pay the monthly fee. Yes, then why, he would use this service at the beginning? There are two possibilities. It was because he had been stolen or stolen. Second, he was persuaded by the salesman. It is said that his classmates also had to close his account. It seems that the stock of BOA (Bank of America) will fall in the near future. Just turn around and go to financial investment. Within two months, BOA stocks will fall, and stocks will rise after one year. Well, I don't have BOA stock anyway, I don't have much to worry about.


Right, what is he reading? Materials Science and Engineering. What do you want to do after you finish? Don't know. It may be related to manufacturing or foundry, or it is coating. It is not better to develop in Asia. So he decided to go back to Taiwan. He wants to go back to Taiwan? He spent the money of our taxpayer to pay his college tuition. He did not do anything, he went back to Taiwan? That would be different. He is not good in the United States. Development, what can you expect him? Is it difficult to find a job to do? The motor and machinery of the engineering school are still full of jobs, but the materials will not work. Then your daughter knows? You should not know. But the police know The police know?!, what are they going to do? They are going to be on campus on the day of his departure from the United States, in case someone protests or riots on that day. Really, he will protest from the United States. I don't know, the police in Irvine is nothing to do.

a few days later

你知道, 他離美當天, 要到校園去申請成績單. 結果因為圍的黃布條多走了 30 分鐘的路. 所以他知道了? 大概吧, 這大概會改變他的人生態度. 我也不知道要講甚麼. 除此之外, 還有甚麼? 他在機場買了本 Forbes, 就有路人說他是有錢人. 這大概只能滿足他的虛榮心而已, 對他沒有甚實質幫助.

對了, 你還知道道瓊指數在他離美後, 連跌三天嗎? 甚麼?! 後來怎樣止跌的? 後來 James po 了一個美國在外太空執行材料測試的計劃文章, 又說材料可能可應用在航太. 道瓊就止跌反彈了. 這兩者有關聯嗎? 不一定有, 但很可能 James 覺得道瓊下跌是自己造成的, 就決定利用 po 文來彌補這樣的負面效果. 那這樣更要留意這人的一言一行了. 還有, 聽說, 他在台灣辦了一支 iphone 4. 你知道他的電信公司是甚麼? 好像叫遠傳. 那買遠傳就對了. 你又知道了? 當然, 要不然等當地電視播出就來不及了. 奇怪, 這個人不是幾乎不用電話的, 要買 iphone 幹嘛? 大概是他父親買給他的, 覺得不用, 會落伍. (幾天後, 電視真的播出, 遠傳有漲, 而且排名好像是第一.)

對了, 他學材料的, 那他對太陽能產業有甚麼看法. 他當然希望太陽能產業起來, 所以好就業. 那最近, 太陽能類股漲了一星期, 跟 James po 的那張圖片, 有沒有相關? 天曉得? 可能吧. 不過, Organic Photovoltaics 效率還是太差, 非主流, 只屬於研究題目. James 可能知道, 但不講.

今天是這年的最後一天, 那 James 做了甚麼? 他好像參加了一個 event, 好像是國中同學會. 對了, 在參加前, 他好像有點不滿, 說甚麼不懂為什麼訂餐廳和邀人, 要在前兩三天才開始進行. 我們 James 好像也進行邀人的行動. 最後參加數量好像沒有幾位. 那 James 一定又氣, 又難過. 居然要我們這邊的 James 彎腰去邀人, 有沒有搞錯. 他可是, 別人邀他都邀不到, 電話打過去都不接, 超級自以為是的 James. 那參加完之後呢? 參加完之後, 他 po 文說他要退位讓賢, 他說比他有能力的人多的是. 那台股明天有可能重挫. 沒錯. 真的. 這悲傷的氛圍, 會影響台股的表現. 然後 James 可能推測台灣的股市漲跌,其實掌握在少數人手上. 有可能. (結果當天跌伏近百點)

最近 James po 了甚麼? 他 po 了一個影片. 好像是分析中國國防武力的, 還有他好像希望美國重返亞州. 為甚麼? 他好像怕 Taiwan's DPP Democracy Progression Party 民進黨勝選總統大選後, 台中關係緊張, 中國會攻打台灣. 所以希望借助美軍重返亞州來牽制中國大陸. 那我們美國有沒有這方面的報導和評估. 有, 還滿多的, 都和 James 的評估雷同. 除此之外, 他好像滿推崇 Lawrence Korb 的. 他是誰? 他好像是國際關係的專家. 那還有呢? 他希望美軍在國外的駐軍可以保護商業上的利益. 結果呢, 聽一下 iTunes, 軍方聲稱將會更聰明的調度軍力, 並保障商機 (Opportunities). 所以我們軍方聽他的話?! 畢竟重返亞州, 相較駐兵中東, 是不用耗費戰力, 又可以保障商業利益的. 何樂而不為? 其實, 就算他不說, 我們美軍也會視中國軍方為心腹大患.


You know, on the day he left the US, he went to the campus to apply for a transcript. The result was that the yellow cloth around the road took 30 minutes. So he knows? Probably, this will probably change his attitude towards life. I also I don't know what to say. Besides, what else? He bought this Forbes at the airport, and some passers-by said he is rich. This probably only meets his vanity, and does not really help him. .

By the way, do you know that the Dow Jones index has fallen for three days after he left the United States? What?! How did it stop falling? Later, James Po gave a plan to conduct material testing in outer space in the United States, saying that the material might be Applied in aerospace. Dow Jones stopped falling and rebounded. Is the two related? Not necessarily, but it is likely that James feels that the fall of Dow Jones is caused by himself, and he decided to use the po text to make up for such negative effects. This is more important to pay attention to this person's words and deeds. Also, I heard that he has an iphone in Taiwan. 4. Do you know what his telecommunications company is? It seems to be called Yuanyuan. It is right to buy a distant biography. Do you know? Of course, otherwise it will be too late to wait for the local TV broadcast. Strange, this person does not need to use the phone almost. Why do you want to buy an iPhone? Probably his father bought it for him, I don’t think it will be outdated. In the days after, the TV really aired, the far-reaching has risen, and the ranking seems to be the first.)

Yes, he studied materials, then he has any opinion on the solar industry. He certainly hopes that the solar industry will rise, so it is good for employment. Recently, solar energy stocks have risen for a week, with the picture of James po, is there any correlation? ? God knows? Maybe. However, Organic Photovoltaics is still too poor, non-mainstream, only for research topics. James may know, but not to speak.

Today is the last day of the year, what did James do? He seems to have participated in an event, it seems to be a national high school classmate. Right, before attending, he seems a little dissatisfied, saying nothing about why order restaurants and invite people, It’s only going to start in the first two or three days. Our James seems to be also inviting. The final number of participants seems to be few. The James must be angry and sad. Actually, James on our side bent over to invite people, No mistakes. He, no one invited him to invite him, the phone did not pick up, the super self-righteous James. After that, after the participation? After the participation, he said that he wants to abdicate to let him, he said that he is better than him. There are many people who have the ability. The stock may fall back tomorrow. Yes. Really. This sad atmosphere will affect the performance of Taiwan stocks. Then James may speculate that the stock market in Taiwan is up and down, in fact, in the hands of a few people. It is possible. (The result fell nearly a hundred points on the day)

What has James Po recently? He has a film. It seems to analyze China’s defense force, and he seems to want the United States to return to Asia. Why? He seems to be afraid of Taiwan’s DPP Democracy Progression Party After the Democratic Progressive Party won the presidential election, The relationship between Taiwan and China is tense, and China will attack Taiwan. So I hope to use the US military to return to Asia to contain China. Then we have any reports and assessments in this area. Yes, there are still many, and they are similar to James's assessment. In addition, he seems to be full of Lawrence Korb. Who is he? He seems to be an expert in international relations. What else? He hopes that the US military's garrison abroad can protect commercial interests. As a result, listen to iTunes. The military claimed that it would be smarter to dispatch military power and protect business opportunities (Opportunities). So our military listened to him?! After all, returning to Asia, compared with the garrison in the Middle East, it does not require labor and can protect commercial interests. In fact, even if he does not say, our US military will also regard the Chinese military as a big worry.

a few days later,

你知道 James 最近有和他在美國的弟弟通過電話嗎? 這有甚麼好希奇的? 他們談了甚麼? James 說在中國旅遊, 江南行的時候, 有一個爸爸在晚飯的時候, 突然身體僵直, 呼吸困難. 然後他女兒驚叫了一聲, James 就叫他爸去看, 然後他父親就幫忙做心臟按摩, 其他兩人用湯匙翹開那人緊閉的嘴巴. 之後, 叫救護車車過來, 他有被急救回來. 之後有一次自由時間, 他們兩家去購物, 結果那父親搞失蹤. 找過二樓, 廁所, 和出入口, 都不見他的縱跡. 後來 James 禱告, 他就奇蹟似的在商店關門前返回. 事後, 那父親的確去過這些地方. James 不高興的是, 找這些地點都是 James 想出來的, 不過他父親卻聲稱那是他想出來的. James 不爽, 也是理所當然的事. 那 James 是基督徒嗎? 不知道耶. 不過他 po 文從不提起神, 所以應該不是吧. 那他和那個女生後來還有下文嗎? 彼此有互相傳簡訊. 不過女方家長反對彼此聯絡, 就沒再聯繫.

其實我認識 James 在校內的心理輔導師. 她說 James 這個人不錯, 就是社交能力比較差而已. 需要訓練. 她還說James 跟她講他在台灣沒甚麼朋友, 他把這歸因為小學跨區就讀. 那如果他在台灣又教不到甚麼朋友, 遇到的事情又不順了話. 怎樣? 他大概就想回美國, 好吧.

那他最近要挑戰的問題是甚麼? 還是他真的在歸隱中. 歐債危機. 我沒聽錯吧? 歐債危機, 他解決的了嗎? 雖然我查過, 他的文科成績還不錯, 但這問題不是動動腦筋, 打打字就解決得了的. 他, 應該解決不了. 只是重新啟動這個話題, 造成恐慌和股市下跌, 製造股票低點的買點, 並且增加避險商品如黃金的購買. (結果, 真的如兩人所言發生) 英國原本要至身事外, 結果 xxx 引用了一句, The only thing to fear is fear itself, 搞得被牽連. 德國原本做得好好的, 也因為歐債話題重啟, 使得股票更大伏下跌 後來 xxx 收手,承認不幹了, 歐州股票 才一一跌深反彈. 他後來自認為自己是加快歐股上漲的人物, 還寫了個故事來記錄 ... 等一下, 他根本就是自我感覺良好, 加有勇無謀. 起碼他變得敢跑到前線去做戰, 這至少是勇氣可嘉. 好了, 要不要聽他寫了甚麼故事? 要.

Do you know that James recently had a phone call with his younger brother in the United States? What's so exciting? What did they talk about? James said that when traveling in China, when Jiangnan went, there was a father who suddenly became stiff at dinner. Difficulty breathing. Then his daughter screamed, and James called his dad to see, then his father helped with a heart massage, and the other two used a spoon to lift the man's tight mouth. Then, call the ambulance car. He was rescued by first aid. After a free time, the two of them went shopping, and the father disappeared. Looking for the second floor, the toilet, and the entrance and exit, he did not see his traces. Later James prayed, he miraculously After the store closed, I returned. After that, the father did go to these places. James is not happy that these places are all James thinks, but his father claimed that he thought of it. James is not good, it is of course That thing. Is James a Christian? I don't know Yeah. But he never mentions God, so it shouldn't be. Then he and the girl later have the following? They have mutual newsletters. The women's parents objected to each other and did not contact.

In fact, I know James's psychological counselor on campus. She said that James is a good person, that is, her social skills are relatively poor. She needs training. She also said that James told her that he has no friends in Taiwan. He attributed this to the inter-regional study. If he can't teach any friends in Taiwan, the things he encounters are not smooth. How? He probably wants to go back to the US, okay.

So what is the problem he has recently challenged? Or is he really in the process of retreat. The European debt crisis. I have not heard it wrong? The European debt crisis, has he solved it? Although I have checked, his liberal arts scores are not bad. But this problem is not a brainstorming. It can be solved by typing. He should not be able to solve it. It just restarts this topic, causing panic and stock market decline, making buying points for stock lows, and increasing the purchase of safe-haven commodities such as gold. (The result, really happened as the two said.) The British originally had to go out of the way, the result xxx quoted a sentence, the only thing to fear is fear itself, made implicated. Germany was doing well, also because of Europe The debt topic restarted, causing the stock to fall more and then xxx to close, acknowledging that it was not done, the European stocks only rebounded one by one. He later came from people who thought that they were accelerating the rise of European stocks, and wrote a story to record. .. Wait a minute, he is simply feeling good about himself, plus courage. At least he has dared to go to the front line to fight, this is at least courage. Well, do you want to hear what story he wrote?

故事中的主角, 某天在路上散步, 看到一個女生對他笑, 他就東張西望甚至回頭看. 那女生看到後, 就不悅. 好像在說我就是對你笑, 而你卻一付搞不清楚狀況的樣子. 後來, 那女生聽聞 那主角 打敗了萬惡的巨龍, 卻自我犧牲了. 那女生不敢置信. 就要找他, 結果, 找到他的戰友, 一個沉默寡言, 又認真的劍士. 那個劍士問那女生, 主角的劍的名字, 她答對了, 那劍士就引領到一處地方, 那地方聚集一些矮人. 她逐漸感到真正的黑暗才正要掘起.

這主角和劍士根本就是 James 本人 (雙重人格) ,那這巨龍代表他 xxxyyzz. 這黑暗就是aabbcc. 還有怎麼這聽起來像是 魔戒前傳, 哈比人的劇情. 聽說他們在拍電影. 還有, 我會不會從電影裡的兩個主角看到 James 的影子. 很有可能喔. 電影出的時候一起去看好了. 好阿.

此外, 他還做了甚麼. 他好像在 FB 開了一個 "建國" 的社團. 他好像是社長 President. 還是說他在 FB 上建立了一個國家, 然後自己任命自己是總統. 裡面提及的成員有哪些, 有滿多名人的. 那他們都認識 James 嗎? 應該是 James 認識他們, 但他們不認識 James. 所以這應該只是 James 自己創出的虛擬國度, 和虛擬幕僚吧. 算了, 這小子有自己的想法. 也不用太管他. 反正我想我們 8-02 見識到國會居然在最後一刻才把債務上限提高, 就已經對這政府失望了. 既然失望, 就乾脆己創一個國度, 自己住算了.

此後--- James 花了幾個月的時間準備 政大的科管, 和長庚的科管, 又花了幾個月的時間自修了點電腦軟體應用, 又跑回美國加州, 玩牌, 見朋友, 參加弟弟的畢業典禮. 之後收到清華大學的錄取通知, 就在六月中回到台灣, 七月底時選定好實驗室. 成了一個普通的研究生.

The protagonist in the story, walking on the road one day, seeing a girl laughing at him, he looks around and even looks back. The girl is not happy after seeing it. It seems that I am laughing at you, but you are paying I couldn’t figure out what the situation was. Later, the girl heard that the protagonist defeated the evil dragon, but sacrificed himself. The girl couldn’t believe it. Just look for him, and, as a result, find his comrade-in-arms, a silent, serious Swordsman. The swordsman asked the girl, the name of the sword of the protagonist, she was right, the swordsman led to a place where some dwarves gathered. She gradually felt the real darkness is about to dig.

This protagonist and swordsman is James himself (double personality), then this dragon represents him xxxyyzz. This darkness is aabbcc. And how this sounds like the prequel of the Lord of the Rings, the story of the Hobbit. I heard that they are shooting Movie. Also, will I see the shadow of James from the two main characters in the movie. It is very likely that I will be optimistic when the movie comes out. Good Ah.

In addition, he did something. He seems to have opened a "founding country" society in FB. He seems to be President of the President. Or he established a country on FB, and then he appointed himself as the president. What are there, there are many celebrities. Do they all know James? It should be James who knows them, but they don't know James. So this should be just the virtual country that James created himself, and the virtual aide. Well, this kid has My own thoughts. Don't worry too much about him. Anyway, I think we 8-02 saw that Congress actually raised the debt ceiling at the last minute, and it has already been disappointed with this government. Since it is disappointing, it is simply creating a country, living by itself. Forget it.

After that --- James spent a few months preparing for the administration of the University of Political Science and the management of Chang Gung, and spent a few months self-study on computer software applications, and ran back to California, playing cards, seeing friends. After attending the graduation ceremony of the younger brother. After receiving the admission notice from Tsinghua University, he returned to Taiwan in mid-June, and selected the laboratory at the end of July. He became an ordinary graduate student.

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