A 男: 為甚麼這個人不去念美國的研究所, 而要來念我們台灣的清華大學?
B 男: 大概 是因為他的成績不夠好吧.
C 男: 真的是這樣嗎? 說不定是因為學費的關係. 我聽說美國學校的學費很貴.
A 男: 那查一下
A B C 男: Kao, 怎麼這樣貴. 怪不得他會想回來念.
A 男: 那他念甚麼的
A 女: 有人說他是, 念統計力學的外語系學生
B 男: 他留過美, 當然英文好, 說他像外語系的, 當然不為過.
C 男: 說不定他是主修工科相關的.
A 男: 有可能
A 女: 我有朋友也好奇, 想說他為甚麼回來念. 那他長得帥不帥阿?
B 男: 說不定, 帥吧.
A 男: 那他到底做甚麼研究?
B 男: 不知道, 但是有人說他根本不會做研究. 還說他做的東西沒甚麼研究價值.
C 男: 會嗎? 我覺得我們要對他再多一些了解, 才能下定論.
B 女: 我查到一個資料, 他好像在線上留個自我介紹說, 他有鑽研過武術.
A 女: 那他很壯囉? 雄壯威武?
B 男: 不一定, 說不定, 他是四兩撥千金的那種類型.
A 男: 就我所知, 這樣子的條件, 有團體會對他有興趣.
B 男: 邀他打群架?
A 男: 對.
A 男: 你覺得他會答應嗎? 他如果收到電話的打架邀約, 他應該會報警吧.
C 男: 這個人要是報警, 就是個不講義氣的傢伙. 打群架又不是要他一個打十個, 他在自亂陣腳些甚麼?
(結果這個人真的打電話去駐警隊, 報案)
A 男: 他這個人可能一板一眼, 也有可能是光說不練的類型. 對了, 到底有多少女生對他感興趣?
A 女: 應該不少吧.
B 男: 那他慘了, 他一定會莫名其妙地成為 男生的公敵.
C 男: 在他背後說他是外國人, 美國人.
B 女: 你們幹甚麼一直講他負面的. 搞不好他可以幫台灣拼外交, 當個外交官還甚麼的. 我覺得他有這個潛力.
A 女: 我們台灣的邦交國這樣少, 最近那個馬英九運動建交的邦交國又和我們斷交了. 台灣的外交的確比較弱.
B 男: 其實他如果從政, 說不定會以美國的利益擺優先.
C 男: 我爺爺知道, 一定會說, 台灣被中國打壓已經夠可憐了, 居然又來了個美國.
A 男: 那他到底有沒有真材實料?
B 男: 其實, 我有朋友說他這個人在網路上, 一直狂發言. 覺得他很煩, 說話很虛假, 不夠有料.
A 男: 他那一系的人怎樣說他?
B 男: 他們說 話這樣多乾脆去, 甚麼演講系算了, 為甚麼來他們這個系.
A 女: 所以他被排擠了. 那他的研究沒價值是怎麼回事?
B 男: 有人說他的東西根本就涉及抄襲, 還沒有加 Reference.
A 女: 這不就是他的其中一個把柄, 落在別人手上?
B 女: 但其實他只要加 Reference 不就沒事了.
B 男: 說不定他的弱點還不只這一個.
B 女: 這麼多人知道他, 他會不會被陷害.
C 男: 有可能, 不過我覺得比較麻煩的是, 他應該不希望被人肉搜尋.
A 男: 他不是想紅嗎?
B 男: 他想出名, 幹什麼. 對他又沒好處. 他的弱點又快要被人找出來, 他緊張死了.
C 男: 加上, 想找他麻煩的人大有人在, 要推他當頭的又大有人在, 對他感到好奇的人又要挖他的底.
A 男: 有人說他孤僻, 又自以為是, 不好相處.
B 男: 他只是不想露口風, 把柄落在別人手上罷了.
B 女: 那外界對他的評論是?
C 男: 他好像被封了一個 "蔣公" "講公" 的稱號, 就是光說不做事.
C 男: 不過, 大家還是跟他走. 他講決定和朋友聚會, 大家, 其它人就去吃飯. 他說運動很重要, 就有一群人跑去慢跑和打球.
即使, (在要考試前還是照做) 他說討論很重要, 每個人就增加討論的次數.
A 男: 有人說他籃球打得還不錯.
B 男: 或許, 他這個人其貌不揚.
B 女: 為甚麼這樣說, 這樣會影響到, 他在我們心目中的形象.
A 女: 對阿, 他不是有頂一個名校光環, 又有領導力, 腦筋又好, 體育又佳. 英文又不錯
C 男: 其實, 他被經過我們的分析, 你就會發現, 現實中的他可能和妳們想的有些出入.
A 女 對 B 女: 妳知道嗎? 有人在網路上 po 文, 說她們在他的宿舍房間外看電視, 聽到他在隔壁浴室沖澡.
B 女: 好 High 喔.
A 男: 我不懂, 一群女生又沒看到他本人, 在 high 甚麼?
C 男: 這個人根本就是鋒芒畢露嗎. 他到底懂不懂甚麼叫, 謙虛, 和深藏不露阿.
B 男: 剛剛我朋友打電話來說, 在圖書館, 一群人大聲嚷嚷要把本尊揪出來, 看看他的廬山真面目.
A 男: 消息傳出, 他好像出意外, 過世了.
全體: 人, 好端端的, 怎會突然過世?
A 男: 死掉了話, 我們就不必再談論他了吧.
B 男: 說不定, 他還活著, 只是詐死而已. 最新進度是甚麼?
A 男: 他成了一個孤魂野鬼, 遊蕩在校園裡.
B 男: 我想這大概就是結局了. 討論結束.
A Male: Why is this person not going to the American Institute, but to come to Tsinghua University in Taiwan?
B Male: Probably because his grades are not good enough.
C Male: Is this really the case? Maybe it's because of the tuition fee. I heard that the tuition fees in American schools are very expensive.
A male: Then check it out.
A B C Male: Kao, how is it so expensive. No wonder he would want to come back.
A male: What did he read?
A Female: Some people say that he is a foreign language student who studies statistical mechanics.
B Male: He has stayed beautiful, of course English is good. It is certainly not an exaggeration to say that he is like a foreign language.
C Male: Maybe he is related to major engineering.
A male: It is possible
A Female: I have a friend who is also curious, want to say why he came back to read. Then he is handsome and handsome?
B Male: Maybe, handsome.
A Male: So what is he doing research?
B Male: I don't know, but some people say that he will not do research at all. He also said that what he did has little research value.
C Male: Will it? I think we have to know more about him before we can make a final conclusion.
B Female: I found a document. He seems to have a self-introduction on the Internet. He has studied martial arts.
A Female: Then he is very strong? Majestic and mighty?
B Male: Not necessarily, maybe, he is the type of four or two.
A male: As far as I know, such a condition, a group will be interested in him.
B Male: Invite him to fight the group?
A male: Yes.
A Male: Do you think he will promise? If he receives a call for a call, he should call the police.
C Male: If this person is an alarm, it is a guy who does not speak loyalty. Playing a group is not asking him to play ten. What is he doing in chaos?
(The result is that this person really called the police station to report the case)
A Male: This person may be a one-on-one look, or it may be a type of light that does not practice. Right, how many girls are interested in him?
A Female: It should be quite a lot.
B Male: Then he is miserable, he will inexplicably become the public enemy of the boys.
C Male: Behind him is that he is a foreigner, American.
B Female: What do you always say about his negative. If he can't do it, he can help Taiwan fight for diplomacy, what a diplomat is. I think he has this potential.
A Female: We have fewer diplomatic relations in Taiwan. Recently, the diplomatic relations between the Malaysian and the Nine-March Movements broke off with us. Taiwan’s diplomacy is indeed weak.
B Male: In fact, if he is in politics, he may be given priority in the interests of the United States.
C Male: My grandfather knows, I will definitely say that Taiwan’s suppression by China is pitiful enough, and actually came to the United States again.
A Male: So, is there any real material in him?
B Male: Actually, I have a friend who said that he is on the Internet and has been madly speaking. He feels that he is annoying, his speech is very false, not enough.
A Male: How do people in his department say him?
B Male: They talk so much, simply go, what lectures are counted, why come to them.
A Female: So he is being squeezed out. What is the value of his research?
B Male: Some people say that his things involve plagiarism at all, and there is no reference.
A Female: Isn't this one of his handles, falling on someone else's hand?
B Female: But in fact, he just has to add Reference and it will be fine.
B Male: Maybe his weakness is not just this one.
B Female: So many people know him, will he be framed?
C Male: It is possible, but I think the trouble is that he should not want to be searched for by human flesh.
A Male: He doesn't want to be red?
B Male: He wants to be famous, what to do. It is not good for him. His weakness is about to be found out, he is nervous.
C Male: Plus, there are a lot of people who are looking for trouble. There are a lot of people who want to push him. The people who are curious about him have to dig his bottom.
A male: Some people say that he is lonely, self-righteous, not easy to get along with.
B Male: He just doesn't want to show his mouth, and the handle falls on someone else's hand.
B Female: What is the comment from the outside world?
C Male: He seems to have been sealed with the title of "Jiang Gong" and "Speaking to the Public".
C Male: However, everyone still walks with him. He said that he decided to meet with friends. Everyone, other people went to eat. He said that sports is very important, and a group of people ran to jog and play.
Even, (doing it before you take the exam) He said the discussion is important, and everyone increases the number of discussions.
A male: Some people say that his basketball is not bad.
B Male: Perhaps, he is a man who looks bad.
B Female: Why do you say this, this will affect his image in our minds.
A Female: Yes, he doesn't have a top alum, but also has leadership, good brains, and good sports. English is good.
C Male: Actually, after he has been analyzed by us, you will find that in reality he may be somewhat different from what we think.
A Female to B Female: Do you know? Someone is on the Internet, saying that they are watching TV outside his dormitory room and hearing that he is taking a shower in the bathroom next door.
B Female: Good High 喔.
A Male: I don't understand, a group of girls haven't seen him, what is high?
C Male: This person is basically a sharp man. He does not know what to say, modesty, and deep hidden.
B Male: Just my friend called and said, in the library, a group of people shouted out to take the deity out and see his true face.
A male: The news came out. He seemed to have an accident and passed away.
All: People, good end, how can it suddenly pass away?
A male: If you die, we won't have to talk about him anymore.
B Male: Maybe he is still alive, just swindling. What is the latest progress?
A male: He became a lonely ghost, wandering on campus.
B Male: I think this is probably the end. The discussion is over.