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Real Life Story Trilogy III (2012-2014) 真實故事三部曲3

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

過了一兩個星期, 廖教授在動力學的課堂上講, "其實煤的顆粒之所以致癌, 可能是因為它燃燒的高溫所產生的. 有時候做研究不只是要知道發生了甚麼事, 還要知道 mechanism/ 背後的過程原理."

James 在宿舍房間外的地方看電視, 看全能星戰, 那節目正好在, 放/表演水調歌頭. "我欲乘風歸去, 又恐瓊樓玉宇, 高處不勝寒..." 聽完這首歌之後, 突然, 有個男的從樓梯走上來, 看到 James 在看電視, 就說 "我聽說其實他是個很自私的人." 在旁的女生說, "真的嗎?" 後來這一對路人就走了. 聽完歌後, James 走出宿舍, 留了個言, 之後就回房間了.

幾天後, James 的好朋友 Leon, 就問他說, 你不覺得你留一個 Positive Influence and Development 在 FB上, 只是喊喊口號而已嗎? 你認為真的有人, 會去重視這個東西? 然後跟著一起行動嗎? 你認為口號能治國嗎? James 不發一語, 後來只說了聲再見, 就走了.

又過了幾天, 早上, 他去上課的途中, 聽到有人說, "其實做研究, 不只是看它能不能賺錢, 還要看它未來的發展, 看能不能做個10, 20 年." 到了課堂上, 老師先是介紹了幾張投影片, 後來就說其實這個矽太陽能電池的效率, 就差不多在 20% 左右, 這根據理論計算, 是難有突破. 更不要說衝到 30 %,, 那是不可能的事. 很多科學家就誇大, 為的是甚麼? 爭取多一些經費. 早上, 上完課之後. 下午當 TA, 又去聽課, 這指導教授就說, 他教委員如何審計劃, 要看 KPI 的達成率... 後來, James 晚上吃個晚飯, 之後就去睡覺了.

有一天, James 吃完午餐, 在沙發椅上, 休息時, 見到一人在低咕說, "真不知道周教授在想甚麼, 那個人都當研究生了, 還會想得到甚麼." 之後, James 進研究室, 看到公用桌上, 有甜點, 就拿起來吃. 吃完後, 看到包裝上寫了個 May the Best Homeland wish be with you. 吃完後, 就離開了.

一天下午, James 走在路上, 突然有人問他說, "喂, 你想紅嗎?" James 就走過去了. 那天晚上, James 走過, 有人問他, "Poet Engineering 是甚麼意思." James 又走過去了. 幾小時後, James 問 BW,突然某天晚上, James 知道, 在美國, 他喜歡的一個女孩子要嫁給一個白種美國人. 他說他打算把自己的身份轉變成父親, 並接受兩個不同族群的通婚. 所以, 他在 FB 上 po 文, I need to watch Lion King 2, soon., 好提醒自己去學習.

After a week or two, Professor Liao said in the dynamics class, "In fact, the reason why the particles of coal are carcinogenic may be due to the high temperature of its combustion. Sometimes research is not just about knowing what happened. Also know the process principle behind the mechanism."

James watched TV outside the dormitory room, watching the Almighty Star Wars, the show was just right, put/show the water to the song. "I want to go back by the wind, and I am afraid of Qiulou Yuyu, the heights are not cold..." After listening to the song, suddenly, a man came up from the stairs and saw James watching TV. He said, "I heard that he is actually a very selfish person." The girl next to me said, "Really? "The pair of passers-by went away. After listening to the song, James walked out of the dormitory, left a message, and then went back to the room.

A few days later, James's good friend Leon, asked him, don't you think you have a Positive Influence and Development on the FB, just shouting slogans? Do you think someone really, will pay attention to this thing? Then follow Do you act together? Do you think the slogan can rule the country? James didn't say a word, but later said only goodbye, and left.

A few days later, on the way to the class in the morning, I heard someone say, "In fact, doing research is not just about whether it can make money, but also depends on its future development. See if it can be done for 10 or 20 years." In the classroom, the teacher introduced several slides first, and later said that the efficiency of this solar cell is almost 20%. According to theoretical calculations, it is difficult to break through. Not to mention 30%, That is impossible. Many scientists exaggerate, what is it for? Get more money. In the morning, after class, in the afternoon, when TA, go to class, the guiding professor said that he teaches members how to plan, To see the KPI's achievement rate... Later, James had a dinner at night, and then went to bed.

One day, James finished his lunch, on the couch, and when he was resting, he saw a person whispering, "I don't know what Professor Zhou is thinking, that person is a graduate student, and he still wants something." After that, James Into the research room, see the public table, have dessert, take it and eat it. After eating, I saw a copy of May the Best Homeland wish be with you. After eating, I left.

One afternoon, James was on the road. Suddenly someone asked him, "Hey, do you want to be red?" James walked over. That night, James walked over and someone asked him, "What does Poet Engineering mean?" James again. A few hours later, James asked BW, and suddenly one night, James knew that in the United States, a girl he liked would marry a white American. He said he intended to turn his identity into a father, and Accepting the marriage of two different ethnic groups. So, he is on the FB, I need to watch Lion King 2, soon., remind yourself to study.

又過了幾天, James 到圖書館去做 Project Report. 做到一半, 突然有人接近, 好像有話要和 James 說. 結果 James 示意他不要說話. James 旁邊的一個女生, 說: "我不懂為甚麼要我們去找他, 而不是他來找我們? 妳說他像孟子, 這是真是假? 後來, James 走出 圖書館, 聽到有兩個人在交談: A說, 你還要去打 Blog 文章.不好吧, 快考試了. B 說: 沒關係啦, 我還是要去打.

上完課後, James 回到研討室. 在用電腦時, 同實驗室的一個女生在 James 背後說, "唉, 有人就是不懂女孩子想要甚麼? 仰慕甚麼?" 過了幾天, 那女孩(BW)對另一個男同學說, "應該沒有女生會喜歡蒼蠅頭這道菜吧?" 又說, "她應該沒辦法接受 Live 版本的".

有一天, James 在 FB 上 po 看見台灣, 這四個字. po 完後, 突然他在系館裡聽到, 看見台灣, 甚麼意思. 應該是看過台灣吧. 他的意思是, 透過他, 台灣會被看見. 他是誰阿, 難道非要透過他, 台灣才會被看見. 台灣的能見度有那樣低嗎, 這樣沒有國際地位嗎? 看來還是不要惹他好了, 他如果讓其他人/外國人看見, 我們台灣人整他, 罵他, 那就不好了. 後來 James, 好像想到了甚麼, 在 FB 上 Po 了四個字 -- 純屬虛構. 幾天後, BW (工倫助教), 我來讀這篇工倫小考的答案: 說 台灣已被歸屬於虛構世界的國度裡

過了兩個星期, 他在路上看到有人的 T-shirt 背面寫 Our King is a Lion. 那天 Meeting, 他的指導教授就對一學生講, "你先不要管過程是怎樣達到的, 結果弄到手了再說." Meeting 結束後, James覺得很徨恐, 就 Po 文, Although both have birthdays in January, Remember Martin Luther King Jr not me. 結果背後有人就說, "放肆", 另一人說, "還在 Po 文" , 回到研討室後, 那女孩(BW)突然說, "應該沒有女生喜歡一個懶得像豬的男人." 後來那女孩到公用桌, 去改工倫小考, 一邊改, 一邊說, "甚麼, 108 條好漢, 不過是群小屁孩", 後來, James 就離開了研討室.

一天, James po I wish to have more sense of humor. 結果有權炳的人好像成了笑柄. 威嚴盡失. 有人說不要笑, 有人還是繼續笑.

After a few more days, James went to the library to do the Project Report. Half done, suddenly someone approached, and seemed to have something to say to James. The result was that James signaled him not to talk. A girl next to James said, "I don't understand. Why do we want to go to him instead of him to come to us? He is like Mencius, is this true or not? Later, James walked out of the library and heard two people talking: A said, you have to play Blog article No, it’s a quick exam. B says: It’s okay, I still have to fight.

After finishing the class, James returned to the seminar room. When using the computer, a girl in the lab said behind James, "Hey, some people just don't understand what the girl wants? What do you admire?" After a few days, The girl (BW) said to another male student, "Should no girl like the head of the fly?" Also said, "She should not accept the Live version."

One day, James saw Taiwan on the FB, these four words. After po, suddenly he heard it in the department hall, saw Taiwan, what it meant. It should have been seen in Taiwan. He meant, through him, Taiwan would I was seen. Who is he? Is it necessary to see through him, Taiwan will be seen. Is Taiwan’s visibility so low, so there is no international status? It seems that you should not provoke him, if he let others/foreign countries People saw that we Taiwanese whole people, yelling at him, that would be bad. Later, James, as if thinking of something, Po has four words on FB -- purely fictitious. A few days later, BW (Working Assistant) , I am going to read the answer to this Gonglun test: I said that Taiwan has been attributed to the fictional world.

After two weeks, he saw someone on the back of the T-shirt and wrote Ur King is a Lion. On that day, his instructor told a student, "You don't care how the process is achieved. I’ll say it again.” After the meeting, James felt very scared. In the case of Po text, there’s a lot of birthdays in January, Remember Martin Luther King Jr not me. Someone behind the result said, “Let’s go,” another said, “Return In the Po article, after returning to the seminar room, the girl (BW) suddenly said, "There should be no girls who like a man who is too lazy to be a pig." Later, the girl went to the public desk, and changed the work, while changing, while Said, "What, 108 heroes, but a group of young children", later, James left the seminar room.

One day, James po I wish to have more sense of humor. The result of the right to be a person seems to be a laughing stock. The majesty is lost. Some people say not to laugh, some people continue to laugh.

James 又在某天 po, "Listening to Xiao, Chinese Flute according my hobby may become my interest." po 完之後, 隔天, 有一個小孩,罵 James 說, "洪祥智真是個大笨蛋." 他結果, 隔天, 捷運的, 招牌換新了. 回到清大, 樹被整修了, 路燈的燈有被換過. James (感覺好像改朝換代了).在吃二招的時候, 背後有人說, "其實蕭就像個小銀行, 他可以把錢存進去, 也可以把錢提出來." 幾星期後, 都更也啟動了.

又有一天, 他去圖書館, 他聽到"身高 165 公分, 體重 56公斤, 消息來緣正不正確? 正確, 工倫助教好像知道他." 後來, 他跑到系館, 系館裡又有人說, 他都忙在打 Blog 怎麼可能有時間做實驗?過了幾天, 他到警察局去, 警察一付好像知道他是誰的樣子. 警察問 James 說 你要報甚麼案? 我要報, 有人 用我的名字去打部落格, 和在 PPT 上留言. 警察說, 那你要有證據, 人證, 物證. 這些你要自己去搜集. 然後你有可能提告, 最後可能庭外合解. 還有, 你要不要留個立據, 證明你有來過這裡. 後來 James 想帶走, 警察一隻手按在證明上, 這已經成為國防部的機密, 你不能帶走.

一天, James 發現四周的地方有很多東西都變成紅色的, 比方說招牌是紅色的. 報紙上, 有很多字是紅色的. James 那天晚上說, 世間變成紅色的, 他的指導教授正好可以, 藉勢推銷. 紅色變夯, 就有賺頭. 但試想這世界變成紅色的會是一個怎樣的情景. 再說消費者也不一定買單, 買個近單色光光源的產品.

過幾天, 研討室的人都敬 James 而遠之. 那天, Paper Meeting, Paper Meeting 裡 Paper 中的太陽. 有紫色的, 有綠色的. 就是沒有紅色的. 不僅圖片裡沒有紅色, 就連文字中也沒有紅色. 看得 James 覺得怪怪的, 礙在老師面子, 又太不敢做修改. 後來 James越看越覺得怪怪的, 就說了句 "正常就好." 周教授說, "正常就好, 聽到了, 就把這弄正常" 看完 Paper, 看計劃, 老師突然問了 James 一句, "你知不知道,這世上只有一個太陽, 不能有兩個太陽." James 回, "剛剛知道" 老師就有點不高興了. 計劃文中, 也盡量沒有紅色這個字. 後來老師就叫 James 翻譯幾頁的 類燭光計劃.

James is on a certain day, po, "Listening to Xiao, Chinese Flute according my hobby may become my interest." po, the next day, there is a child, 骂James said, "Hong Xiangzhi is really a big fool." The next day, the MRT, the signboard was renewed. Back to Qingda, the tree was refurbished, and the lights of the street lamps have been changed. James (feeling like changing the dynasty). When eating two tricks, someone behind them said, " In fact, Xiao is like a small bank. He can deposit money in, or he can raise money." After a few weeks, it started.

Another day, he went to the library. He heard "the height is 165 cm and the weight is 56 kg. Is the news correct? Correctly, the assistant teacher seems to know him." Later, he ran to the department, and there were people in the department. He said that he was busy playing the blog. How could he have time to experiment? After a few days, he went to the police station. The policeman seemed to know who he was. The police asked James what kind of case you want to report? Someone used my name to play the blog and leave a message on the PPT. The police said, then you have to have evidence, evidence, physical evidence. You have to collect it yourself. Then you may report it, and finally may be outside the court. Solution. Also, do you want to leave a document to prove that you have been here. Later James wanted to take it away. The policeman pressed the hand on the certificate. This has become a secret of the Ministry of Defense. You can't take it away.

One day, James found that there were many things in the surrounding area that turned red. For example, the signboard was red. In the newspaper, many words were red. James said that night, the world became red, and his guiding professor could just borrow. The trend is to sell. Red is changing, there is a profit. But imagine what the world will be like in red. Besides, consumers don’t necessarily pay for it, buy a product with a near-monochromatic light source.

In a few days, the people in the seminar room respected James and went far away. On that day, Paper Meeting, Paper Meeting, the sun in Paper. There are purple, green. There is no red. Not only the picture is not red, even the text There is no red in the middle. Seeing that James feels weird, it is in the face of the teacher, and he is too afraid to make changes. Later, James looked more and more weird, and said "normal is good." Professor Zhou said, " Normal, just hear it, just make it normal." After reading Paper and seeing the plan, the teacher suddenly asked James, "Do you know that there is only one sun in the world, there can be no two suns." James back, " I just knew that "the teacher is a little unhappy. In the plan, I also try not to use the word red. Later, the teacher called James to translate a few pages of candlelight plans.

回到宿舍, 就聽到, 我們的老大跑去警察局自首了, 靠, 我們老大怎麼這樣愛往坑裡跳. 其他有人說: 靠, 我們幫他寫 blog 文章, 他還要告我們.不幫他寫了, 這渾蛋. 還說要把文章改得再正常一點, 搞啥, 那我們不就累死了, 我們還要考試耶. 其他有人, 不發一語, 就離開了. 有一個人打電話問召集人, 到底有幾個人在幫忙寫? 教授那有 70 人 這樣多?

一天, James, 經人介紹, 去聽一個外商 Amway 的直銷說明會. 首先, 先是由一個女大學生作產品講解, 她就講解清潔用品, 要怎樣把染黑的水, 或染紅的水, 把他漂白成透明的水. 還說有一個塗劑, 塗在銅板的蔣公頭像, 可以讓銅板或其它金屬去污. 講完之後, 換了一個講者裡面講者是一個 Marketing 的教授, 他說如果一個人畫了一個大餅, 講了些口號, 就要有作為. 然後, 要有成蹟. 如果光說話不做事, 給願景沒作為, 最後跑掉, 就是負義, 還說錢比較實在. 我來教你們賺錢的方法. 然後就開始介紹, 他們的直銷系統.

後來, James po 文下台了. 考完試後, 回到宿舍, 他聽到有人講話, "我讀給你聽, 最高領導人誓言捲土重來, 東山再起, 卻被工程倫理助教, 嗆/教訓: 說要當別人, 先當好自己, 負自己該負的責任. 還有他只不過是會按讚而已, 沒甚了不起. 有人就問, 這工程倫理助教是誰? 她認識領導人嗎? 聽說她還罵領導人. 該不會, 他是領導人的前女友吧. 有人提議, 把她抓出來.

When I returned to the dormitory, I heard that our boss ran to the police station and surrendered. By the way, our boss loved to jump into the pit like this. Others said: By, we help him write a blog post, he still wants to sue us. He wrote, this trick. Also said that the article should be changed to normal, messed up, then we are not exhausted, we have to test Yeah. Others, do not say a word, leave. There is a person to play Calling the convenor on the phone, how many people are helping to write? How many 70 people are there?

One day, James, introduced, went to a foreign direct sales briefing by Amway. First, a female university student gave a product explanation. She explained the cleaning supplies, how to blacken the water, or dye the red water. He bleached into transparent water. He also said that there is a paint agent, Jiang Gong's head painted on the copper plate, which can decontaminate the copper plate or other metal. After the lecture, the speaker is a professor of marketing, he If a person draws a big cake and says some slogans, he must have something to do. Then, there must be a trace. If the light does not do things, the vision is not done, and finally ran away, it is negative, and the money is more realistic. I will teach you how to make money. Then I will start to introduce their direct marketing system.

Later, James Po went down. After the test, he went back to the dormitory. He heard someone say, "I read it to you, the top leader vowed to make a comeback, but the school was re-educated, but he was taught by engineering ethics, / lesson: say to be Others, be the first to be yourself, and bear the responsibility that you should bear. And he is just a tribute, not a big one. Someone asks, Who is this engineering ethics assistant? Does she know the leader? I heard that she still骂 Leader. No, he is the leader’s ex-girlfriend. Someone suggested that she should be arrested.

圖書館有人講, 搞甚麼, 居然只是按讚而已, 他這個人也沒甚麼厲害的嗎. 還超人勒, 也不過如此. 我們把他揪出來, 修理他. 結果一群人在圖書館裡起鬨. 洪祥智是誰, 他在哪裡阿, 把他找出來. 結果 James 離開圖書館, 去摩斯漢堡吃午餐, 後面就有人說, "他從美國回來, 應該感到不習慣吧, 可能看到台灣這種鄉下地方, 到處住著鄉民." 考期末考當天, 一開始, 整個教室的人一片喧嘩, 吵鬧聲中還有下台的聲音. 最後才慢慢平靜.

James 到了便利商店, 有人見到 James 就問, 那要不要讓那個人死掉算了. James 回 R.I.P. okay. 後來, 有人見到他, 就罵, 白癡, 居然讓他死了. 隔天, 指導教授召開產學合作會議. 指導教授演說, 一開始, 指導教授的話有些梗噎, 難過, 結果 jAMES 乾哭了幾聲, 指導教授的話才變得比較嚴厲. 會議結束後, James 見到經理, 就說經理好. 經理後來靠近 James 說, "James 你這次殺很大喔." James 回, "我也是有壓力的." 後來經理問 James 同屆的, 同屆回最近在考期末考. 後來經理在電話上講, "沒關係, 這可能是操縱上的失誤....他喔, 可能是搞金融的" 之後就散了.

後來, James 的 FB 說他離開了清華大學. 他也真的回家, 放假了. 和父母討論後, 最後真的 James 得到精神病. 後來他發現有人用他的電腦建立 FB 帳號.

精神科醫師問: 你還有聽到 在 FB 有人要拱你為王嗎?

最終推論: 有人號召一群人要立 XXX 為王, 好利用他的權力, 來增加自己派系的力量與利益, 如: 政治, 宗教, 商務. 但也有人看他不爽. 如學生, 教授, 宗教領袖. 比方: 有一教授, 無意間得到王的真實身份, 就利用這個, 來指出現實和傳聞 or blog 的出入來扳倒王, 瓦解掉他的權力. 也有一個人, 聲稱 一個人(一天到晚看電視的人) 可能要從天堂掉到地獄, 才會痛定思痛, 去修行. 這計劃也有可能是要架空 xxx, 再讓他摔下來. 被稱為 007 skyfall 計劃)

Someone in the library said, what to do, just to praise, he is not a powerful person. Superman, but also so. We took him out and repaired him. The result was a group of people squatting in the library. Who is Xiang Zhi, where is he, find him. As a result, James leaves the library and goes to Morseburger for lunch. Someone later said, "He should not feel used to coming back from the United States. You may see Taiwan. In the countryside, people lived everywhere." On the day of the final exam, at the beginning, the whole classroom was full of people, and there was a voice in the noise.

James went to the convenience store. When someone saw James, he asked, would you like to let that person die? James returned to RIP okay. Later, when someone saw him, he said, idiot, actually let him die. The next day, guidance The professor held a conference on industry-university cooperation. Instructing the professor to give a speech. At the beginning, the guidance of the professor was somewhat sloppy and sad. As a result, jAMES cried a few times and the professor’s words became more severe. After the meeting, James saw the manager. Said the manager is good. The manager later approached James and said, "James, you killed a lot this time." James back, "I am also under pressure." Later, the manager asked James the same session, and the same time back to the final exam. Later, the manager On the phone, "It doesn't matter, this may be a mistake in maneuvering....hey, maybe it's financial."

Later, James's FB said that he left Tsinghua University. He also really went home and had a holiday. After discussing with his parents, James finally got mentally ill. Later he found someone using his computer to create an FB account.

Psychiatrist asks: Do you still hear that someone in FB wants to be your king?

The final inference: Some people call on a group of people to establish XXX as a king, so that he can use his power to increase the power and interests of his factions, such as: politics, religion, business. But some people look at him unhappy. Such as students, professors, religious leaders For example: There is a professor who inadvertently obtains the true identity of the king. He uses this to point out the reality and the rumors of the or blog's discrepancies to defeat the king and dispel his power. There is also a person who claims to be a person (watching TV all day long). People) may fall from heaven to hell, will be painful, and practice. This plan may also be to empty xxx, then let him fall. Known as 007 skyfall plan)




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