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作家相片James Hong

Solving Millennium Prize Problems 千禧年大獎難題 (in math).

James H Hong

To #1 P/NP question Me James H Hong: A: Ex: Result-wise, so all P are within NP (1+1=2 is a law. so extension all computations are made of laws. so machine computation are laws, facts. Logic is also a law-based.).B: but NP is larger than P like Pythagorean theorem (NP) proof. Result wise all P are within NP,, but C: if reverse process wise is required like x+y=3 find x and y, then NP and P are not equal.

James H Hong To #2 Hodge conjecture: Me James H Hong: A. a function gives a line, such as y=x is a linear line. B: for a plane, 3-D, examples are z=x+y and z=x^2+y^2. C: set x=a+bi and y=c+di ;; while b and d can be zero.D: set Z= x+ y while: d/dx f(x) = x while d/dy g(y)=y plug in x and y;; into z=x+y;; z= d/dx f(x)+ d/dy g(y) while f(x)=1/2x^2 and g(y)=1/2y^2.James H Hong Extra to Hodge conjecture: y= x;; integral of y= x is area under the line, is Area(y') = 1/2 x(y), while x=y, =1/2(x^2), Integral of line is area;; E: Integral of area formula= Volume: Ex. Integral of 4 pi R^2= 4/3 pi R^3.

James H Hong To #3 Riemann hypothesis: Me: A: When infinity is applied, infinite number of the value is infinity so real number is not 1/2. B: Imaginary number, i, i = root 2 of (-1), does not exist in real life. James H Hong

To #4 or #6 Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture: Me: A: ecliptical curve = y^{2}=x^{3}+ax+b B: when a =0 b=0 y^2= x^3;; y=x^(3/2) then y and x have infinite number of solutions. Solved.

James H Hong To #5 Navier Stokes Equation: In the first equation: Me: A: g is downward acceleration by weight in y-axis, what about x-axis flow? Du/Dt is the flow acceleration in what direction? usually fluid is supported by the base. B: Directions of acceleration created by stress are unknown. C: Cauchy momentum equation is not a momentum equation; it is a pressure equation.D: Of Linear stress constitutive equation,, strain(du) =1/2(du)+1/2(duT) is a very questionable, maybe wrong.

James H Hong To #4 or #6; Yang–Mills existence and mass gap: Me: so gluons either have mass or do not have mass; Assume Mass gap says, it has both yes mass and no mass. making a mistake? B: I suggest conducting experiments

James H Hong To#1 P / NP問題我James H Hong:A:Ex:結果方面,因此所有P都在NP內(1 + 1 = 2是一個定律。所以擴展所有的計算都是由法律構成的。所以機器計算是法則,事實。邏輯也是一種以法律為基礎的。)B:但NP大於P,如畢達哥拉斯定理(NP)證明。結果明智地,所有P都在NP內,但是C:如果需要反向處理,如x + y = 3找到x和y,則NP和P不相等。

James H Hong To#2 Hodge猜想:我James H Hong:A。函數給出一條線,例如y = x是一條直線。 B:對於平面,3-D,示例是z = x + y並且z = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2。 C:設定x = a + bi和y = c + di ;;而b和d可以為零.D:設置Z = x + y而:d / dx f(x)= x而d / dy g(y)= y插入x和y ;;進入z = x + y ;; z = d / dx f(x)+ d / dy g(y)而f(x)= 1 / 2x ^ 2且g(y)= 1 / 2y ^ 2.James H Hong Extra to Hodge猜想:y = X;; y = x的積分是線下的面積,是Area(y')= 1/2 x(y),而x = y,= 1/2(x ^ 2),line的積分是面積;; E:面積公式的積分=體積:Ex。 4 pi R ^ 2 = 4/3 pi R ^ 3的積分。

James H Hong To#3 Riemann假設:Me:A:當應用無窮大時,無窮大的數值是無窮大,因此實數不是1/2。 B:虛數,i,i =(-1)的根2,在現實生活中不存在。詹姆斯H洪

#4或#6 Birch和Swinnerton-Dyer猜想:Me:A:ecliptical曲線= y ^ {2} = x ^ {3} + ax + b B:當a = 0 b = 0 y ^ 2 = x ^ 3 ;; y = x ^(3/2)則y和x具有無限數量的解。解決了。

James H Hong To#5 Navier Stokes方程式:在第一個等式中:Me:A:g是y軸下的重量向下加速度,x軸流量是多少? Du / Dt是什麼方向的流動加速度?通常流體由基座支撐。 B:壓力造成的加速方向未知。 C:Cauchy動量方程不是動量方程;它是一個壓力方程.D:線性應力本構方程,應變(du)= 1/2(du)+1/2(duT)是一個非常值得懷疑的,也許是錯誤的。 James H Hong

To#4或#6; Yang-Mills存在和質量差距:我:所以膠子要么質量要么沒有質量;假設質量差距說,它既有質量也有質量。犯錯? B:我建議進行實驗

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