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Time Machine 時光機器

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

According to Revelation 8 (a correct prophecy): we have several ways to describe timeline in assumption 1. Timeline runs twice; the later run of timeline overwrites a previous one. 2. Timeline is written from future to past in a backward drawing 3. Time machine has been used. 4. Future can be predicted.

根據啟示錄8(一個正確的預言):我們有幾種方法可以在假設1中描述時間軸。時間線運行兩次;後來的時間線覆蓋了前一個時間線。 2.時間軸在後向繪圖中從未來到過去編寫3.時間機器已被使用。 4.未來可以預測。




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