1. There is no point for USA students to study in K-12,due to avoiding Costly colleges.
2. K-12 USA students have no reasons to study,if all choose community college transfer.
1. 由於避免昂貴的大學,美國學生沒有必要在K-12努力學習。
2. 如果全部選擇社區大學轉學,K-12美國學生沒有理由努力學習。
High School grades and SATs are used to apply colleges or bachelor degrees in universities, in USA. But if one goes to community college for a degree or a transfer to university, he or she does not need to use his or her high school records.
高中成績和SAT用於在美國的大學申請大學或學士學位。 但如果一個人去社區學院攻讀學位或轉學到大學,他或她就不需要使用他或她的高中記錄。