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What are X-men

作家相片: James HongJames Hong

1. X-men are possibly mutants (genetically mutated people)

2. They are trying to save the world.

3. They need to read my blog, this blog of my own, for their education.

1. Who's Prof. X (Charles Xavier)

1. James Hsiang Hong/ 洪祥智 will might be Prof. X

2. He's a schizophrenia person with possibly the mind reading or mind talking ability.

2. He got that mental disorder due to stress from grad school and other reasons.

3. Can he think now, or normally function. His brain are losing functions due to overuse of his brain.

3. He is too tired, almost cannot function anymore.

1. X-men可能是突變人(遺傳突變的人)



1.誰是X教授(Charles Xavier)

1. James Hsiang Hong /洪祥智可能是X教授



他現在能想到,還是正常運作。 由於過度使用大腦,他的大腦正在失去功能。





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