Whys in Star War Trilogy: 1. Darth Maul fought jedis due to in love with Padme 2. Dooku faught Jedis for practicing his dark force before death 3. Obiwan lost to Dooku, so Anakin can grow in fighting Dooku alone. 4. Jedi council refused to grant Ankin master title because they want him to be in pilot force 5. General Grivesus ran away, so he could fight Obiwan alone. 6. Dooku put Obiwan those 3 in Roman arena as a trap to lure other jedi. 7. Dark Sith built an empire, to get the Clone Army to prevent civil war. 8. Most Jedi got killed in Clone war on battle fields. 9. Star Wars I, II and clone war, are about getting independence from the Republic, so no right or wrong. Jedis are on Republic's side. 10. Anakin and Obi-wan never fought each other, such a made up story. They love each other too much. so they made up story to report to their bosses. 11. Dark Sith and Yoda should know each other, because both are too famous. They were maybe classmates, the very few. Teacher told them, that there are Bright side and Dark Side of Force, so Yoda studies Light, Dark Sith stuides Dark. The 3rd classmate studies light saber, but he died before them. 12. Both Yoda and Dark Sith cannot use light sabers. so the light sabers details are unknown. Dark Sith went to learn lightning force because he heard lighting can let girls fall in love with him. Yoda learned power force because he wanted to avoid girls. 13. Light saber skill was used by the 3rd master. Yoda and Dark Sith promised to each other that they would learn how to use light sabers to pass on the skill to students, but they never did, so they avoided each other. 14. Star Wars might happen in the past not in the future. Dark Force, Light Force, and Light saber created the universe, maybe.