聖經 Holy Bible:
Matthew 19:24 馬太 Wealthy people cannot enter kingdom of God. 富人不能進入神的國度
Matthew 6:24 馬太 People cannot serve both God and money. Money cannot be used. 人不能同時侍奉錢又侍奉神。
Revelation 8 啟示錄 prophecy: Today’s disasters like wildfire, pollutions, malaria are all recorded. 今日的災難如森林大火,汙染,漏油,蝗災,都被記錄。預言書。
宗教 Religion 1. 伊斯蘭教也有耶穌基督。 Islam also has Jesus Christ 2. 受洗,頭應該進出水面。Baptism, head should enter and leave water
Luke 18:22 路加福音
人類也認不出歸來的耶穌基督。People cannot recognize returned Jesus Christ.