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Intelligence Rank 6-10-2019

0:: 0. Athena 1. 渡久地東亞 2. Meliodas 3. Furinjii Hayato 4. 令狐沖 5. 阿青 6. 黃藥師 7. 無名 8. Saitama 9. Gold D Roger 10. 書呆子 11. 王亞瑟 12 Sai...

My New ways to Cure Cancer 我的醫治癌症新方法

My New ways to Cure Cancer: 1. is to create anti-cancer white cells/ antibodies 2. switch back/correct cancer-creating gene mutation. 3....

My Theme song 2019,,

孫燕姿 Sun Yan-Zi - 同類

Most companies have no workers 大多公司沒有員工

Most companies have no workers 大多公司沒有員工 because 1. Workers 1. quit, 2. retired, 3. get fired, 4. Companies Not hiring workers...

World that has no job. 沒有工作的世界

1. World without jobs, people die of poverty, instead of not working. 2. People can try all take holiday and see what happens....

104人力銀行 不怎麼樣的履歷篇 Eng sub

104人力銀行 不怎麼樣的履歷篇 eng sub 104 HR website: Weak resumes english sub.

More Bible posts 更多聖經相關

1. Adam == Add AM (morning) Eve = Evening 2. Eve came from Adam's rib, where 骨肉 means offspring in Chinese 3. My name 祥 means luck or...

End of the World Prophecy 世界末日預言

世界末日預言 End of the World Prophecy 1. Revelation 8 啟示錄8 2. Judgement Day 審判日 3. Megaman X (only robots and no human) (只有機器人存在) 4. Matrix...

Lorenz Curve and Indexies

1. Lorenz Curves (Wealth inequality/Lorenz Curves, are unknown, need to be known) 2. Gini Coefficient 3. Fake population data and...

God's Story 上帝的故事

Female symbol is the origin of the cross. implying Mother-Wife role importance.Because God in sometime of Timeline discovers that this...

My name 我的名字

My name in Holy Bible 1. Flood last name: Flood 洪 is in Noah's Arc 諾亞方舟 2. J (am) es => Jes Chinese => Ch (Us r 1st) Jes(us) Ch(r1st)...

Possible Actions 可能行動

1. Make an All- Free Agricultural Society 建立全免費農業社會 2. Make a Bank that creates digital value money saving 建立金錢產生帳戶的銀行 3. Publish and...

神魔之塔活動角色 Tower of Savior Event Character Cards

神魔之塔活動角色 Tower of Savior Event Character Cards 1. 仙劍 Chinese Paladin 林月如, 李逍遙,趙靈兒,雪見,龍葵,景天,李憶如,姜雲凡,明綉,越今朝, 2. 霹靂群俠傳 Pili...

Money Creation accounts: New Rules 生錢帳戶新規則

How to give everyone monthly basic income? computer sets data numbers. 如何給每個人每月的基本收入?電腦設置數據。 Money Creation accounts: New Rules 生錢帳戶新規則...

Maybe Last Post -- Emergency Issue 警急貼文

1. 台灣高達 89% 年輕人待業中——失業是大環境造成,這藉口要繼續用一百年嗎?(Buzz Orange:: 90% Young Taiwanese people are Unemployed.) 2. Market Watch:: Most Americans have...

Sport Animes 運動類動漫

Sport Anime 0. One Outs 1. Koroko no basuke 2. Slam Dunk 3. Major 4. Diamond no ace 5. Ippo no hajime 6. The mightiest disciple Kenichi...

Whys in Star Wars Trilogy

Whys in Star War Trilogy: 1. Darth Maul fought jedis due to in love with Padme 2. Dooku faught Jedis for practicing his dark force before...

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