Time Machine 時光機器
According to Revelation 8 (a correct prophecy): we have several ways to describe timeline in assumption 1. Timeline runs twice; the later...
According to Revelation 8 (a correct prophecy): we have several ways to describe timeline in assumption 1. Timeline runs twice; the later...
洪七公 Qigong Seven Hong is my Finalized Nickname.
1. Is everyone hearing census phone calls or seeing people knocking doors in last ten years or in lifetime. 是不是每個人都有接到人口普查的電話,或看到調查員敲門或按門...
1. 狹義相對論 Special Relativity Theory Intro 理論簡介: (光速不變) 距離變長,時間變長,light speed constant (distance increased as time is increased.) Theory...
I am planning to stay single for the rest of my life due to no money. 因為沒錢,所以我決定一輩子單身。
How to be an Iron-man 1. team race 2. grad school lab 3. online class 4. books. 如何成為鐵鐵人1.團隊競賽2.研究生實驗室3.在線課4.書
Journey to the West 2 西遊記2, year 2,000 Edition. This time to USA, not India. Dad 洪永樂 (孫悟空, Monkey King) Me (龍馬, Dragon Horse) Me (唐三藏,...
Thanos talked about population as exponential growth 1. Our beliefs in population are Exponential Growth. 2. Google Populations show...
I let computer run, each character gets an assigned number. and I get Ao, Naruto 青 (火影忍者) selected by computer.
1. Most Americans are really bad at geography; more research can be done. 大多數美國人在地理方面都很糟糕;。 2. Girl asks me why guys don't marry girls...
0.Sai 0. Makubex 1. Loki 2. 江小魚 3. 風清揚4.長空5. Brainiac 6. Lex Luthor 7.Da Vinci 8. Verde 9. Sith 10. Haibara Ai 11. 張三豐12. Akashi Seijuro...
Supply and Demand: Supply equals demand, with each as both a demand and a supply. A restaurant can supply 60 people or 20 people each...
Ending: Top 10% survive, due to wealth inequality, while others kill themselves. human face challenges: no births, no jobs, no food....
When we talk about abnormal psychology, are patients psychology disordered, or normal people psychologically disordered. Many unemployed...
I am Materials Science Major: so it is a major that tries to study everything. It studies: Physics, Chemistry, Math, Economy, Psychology,...
Is GDP growth meaningful? GDP (expenses) increase while salary remains same. GDP增長是否有意義? 國內生產總值(消費)增加而薪水保持不變。 However, a good economy is...
Grading On a Curve (Wikipedia): A (top 20%) B (20-50%) C (50 to 80%) D /F(80 to 100%) Top 80% passes a class; (4/5^3)+retake =50% That...
Challenges faced by 電競 professional gaming:: 1 money spending 2 absence of player Vs player in games 3 players' interests and strengths 4...
I like to thank USA government and people for full Financial aid during college. 我要感謝美國政府和人民在,讓我在大學期間,獲得全額助學金。
Wrong Psychology Diagnosis from NTU hospital DSM 5 : Schizophrenia symptoms: 1.Delusions, 2.Hallucinations, 3.Disorganized speech,...