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How does computer create human history timeline?

How does computer create human history timeline? 1.Backward happening. : a. something must happen, who and how will that happen. event...

Origin of Naruto 火影忍者起源

1. It was inspired by Jing Yong's wuxia novels, so it is about Ninja in Japan. 2. It was also inspired by Journey to the West, or Monkey...

My Medical Assumptions: 我的醫學假設:

1. Cancer does not kill people, it is a scar tissue. How does cancer kill people? 2. Leukemia (too many white blood cells) does not kill...

My Friends Intros 朋友簡介

0. James H Hong, born 1988, 1. MTG, Yugioh and Pokemon TCG 2. Basketball 3. All sorts of Martial Arts. 4. Ping-pong and Cue Ball 5. Basic...

Can people make money? 賺錢問題?

Can people make money? 賺錢問題? 1: World has No Market because of No population and population aging. 世界沒有市場因為人口不夠多與人口老化 2. Purchases happen...

More Story

I. Characters who may represent me: 1. 2 main characters in Hobbit Trilogy 2. Donnie Yen: 1. Ip Man in the series 2. Xiang in XXX 3. 大師兄...

Real Life Story Trilogy III (2012-2014) 真實故事三部曲3

過了一兩個星期, 廖教授在動力學的課堂上講, "其實煤的顆粒之所以致癌, 可能是因為它燃燒的高溫所產生的. 有時候做研究不只是要知道發生了甚麼事, 還要知道 mechanism/ 背後的過程原理." James 在宿舍房間外的地方看電視, 看全能星戰, 那節目正好在,...

Real Life Story Trilogy II (2012-2014) 真實故事三部曲2

A 男: 為甚麼這個人不去念美國的研究所, 而要來念我們台灣的清華大學? B 男: 大概 是因為他的成績不夠好吧. C 男: 真的是這樣嗎? 說不定是因為學費的關係. 我聽說美國學校的學費很貴. A 男: 那查一下 A B C 男: Kao, 怎麼這樣貴....

Real Life Story Trilogy 1 (2012-2014) 真實故事三部曲 1

你女兒知不知道 James 這個人? 知道, 她說她在校園裡見過他, 也聽說過一些他的傳聞. 傳聞怎樣說他? 傳聞?他常換女朋友. 你女兒怎樣說? 我女兒說, 她在校園常看到他, 看到他都是一個人獨自走在校園上, 實在不覺得他有女朋友.而且. 她還覺得他滿孤獨的....

My First College Essay

Essay 1 Draft 4 A teacher’s encouragement or punishment can determine a student’s academic success, or more—a student’s future. Both...

Anime Theme Songs I have listened 動漫歌曲

1. Katekhio Hitman Reborn: 1. Tsuan Awakens 2. Flame of Resolution 3. Last Cross 4. Hibari 5. Lambo 2. Naruto: 1. Naruto 2. Rock Lee 3....

Songs I have listened 聽過的歌

Sharon Kwan 關詩敏: 1. 關在家 2. 魔法愛情 韓紅: 天亮了 蔡健雅 : 陌生人 鄭伊健,陳小春: 友情歲月 陳小春: 獨家記憶 古巨基: 愛的太遲,友共情 痞克四: 關於我們 黃小琥: 沒那麼簡單 鄭中基: 英雄莫 李煒: 劍魂 (射鵰英雄傳 2017)...

Drinks Post Grad School 研究所畢業後喝的飲料

1. Coffee 50Lan: 2. Woolong Milk Tea 3. Woolong tea 4. Milk Green Tea 5. Season Spring and Jelly 6. Red Tea with Milk Family Mart: 1....

UCI Student Organizations 我大學社團

1.1. CA Chinese Association 1.2. CA Hip Hop Dance Crew (CADC) 1.3. Dragon Boat 1.4. Martial Arts (CAMA) 1.5. Cultural Night 1.6 Big Bear...

Sports I do 我的運動

1. Ping-pong 2. Basketball 3. All sorts of Martial Arts 4. Badminton 5. Cue-ball /pool 1. 桌球 2. 籃球 3. 各種武術 4. 羽毛球 5. 撞球,台球

Games Played 玩過的遊戲

Kigndom Hearts, 2. Golden Sun 3. Shadow Hearts 4. Final Fantasy 7 5. Golen Eyes 6. F-Zero , F -Zero X 7. 絕代雙驕 2 8. Naruto Online 9....

TV Shows Watched (看過的電視節目)

Best TV Show: Mr. Bean Jamie Oliver, Curtis Stone, Ramsay Mars 戰神 Opposite Worlds 瑰寶 1949 -1 水滸傳 新三國 Death Note 美食料理王,型男大主廚 0. 射鵰英雄傳 2017...

Movies Watched 看過的電影

Movies Avengers 3, Lelouch part II, Ralph:: Wreck the Internet More: 你的名字,我的蛋男情人,Zootopia , Rush, The Big Short, Power Rangers 2017. ,...

Manga Read 讀過的漫畫

Manga/ Anime Airing List 將太的壽司 --(sushi) Best Manga. 諸葛四郎 (Taiwan) (since 1958) <purchased in 1970>  Gundam (since 1980)  銀河戰國群雄傳...

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